Man of Miracles (comics)

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Man of Miracles

Man of Miracles

Publisher Image Comics
First appearance Spawn #150
Created by Todd McFarlane
Alter ego Unknown
Affiliations Greenworld
Notable aliases Mother, Kali, Jesus Christ, Gaia, The Keeper
Abilities Immortality, Omnipotence, Omniscience, Powers beyond that of God and Satan

The Man of Miracles (aka MoM, a fan abbreviation) is a fictional, mysterious super-being who has appeared in the alleys to offer his guidance and wisdom to The Hellspawn so that he might play his part in Armageddon. He is a being of practically inconceivable power who has been the architect behind most of the events in the Spawn universe, holding significant knowledge of Al Simmons and his role as Spawn, knowledge that not even Mammon possesses and possessing powers beyond that of God or Satan. His true form is as the "Mother" of Existence, though he is neither male nor female.