MAN-003 Patulia

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In the anime series Gundam X, the Patulia was the biggest mobile armor ever built, which was not only heavily armed but also had and incredible defense thanks to its anti-beam field generators. However, the Patulia needed a Newtype to be placed in a capsule as a power source. The Newtype's mind would be erased and dedicated to solely piloting the Patulia. This type of control allowed the Newtype to use the wired beam cannons in the same manner as the Bertigo's bits.

The Patulia was the key point in the Operation Lilac from the Space Revolutionary Army. The operation’s target was to send five RMSN-008 Bertigo units together with the mobile armor down to Earth. However, the Bertigo pilots were killed during atmospheric combat and the Patulia crashed onto the Earth. There it was discovered by former SRA scientist Nomoa Long, who hid it underneath Fort Severn. In AW 0015 Long used the artificial Newtype Carris Nautilis as a power source so that he could use the Patulia in his plan to get revenge on the Old Earth Federation. With the Patulia he destroyed most of Fort Severn but then the Newtype girl Tiffa Adil contacted Carris’ mind, allowing Freeden pilot Garrod Ran to break into the control room with his GX-9900-DV Gundam X Divider and rescue Carris. Without a Newtype the Patulia crashed into Fort Severn.

The Patulia is also the largest Mobile armor in all Gundam series.

[edit] Specifications

[edit] MAN-003 Patulia

Manufacturer: Space Revolutionary Army
Operator: Space Revolutionary Army; civilians
Unit type: Newtype use mobile armor
Dimensions: overall height 105 meters; overall length 617 meters
Weight: 38800 metric tons
Powerplant: ultracompact fusion reactor
Armament: 4 x particle cannon, located in main body, operable only in attack mode; 30 x wired beam cannon, stored in main body, operable only in attack mode; anti-beam field generators
Pilots: Carris Nautilus (life unit), Nomoa Long (control room), Ennil El (control room)

[edit] Trivia

  • To date, Patulia is the largest Mobile Armor to exist in Gundam.
After War Era mobile weapons
GT-9600-D Gundam Leopard Destroy - GW-9800-B Gundam Airmaster Burst - GX-9900-DV Gundam X Divider
New United Nations Earth (New UNE):
GX-9901-DX Gundam Double X - NRMA-006 Gadeel - NRX-007 Correl - NRX-009 Valient - NRX-010 Gable - NRX-011 Britova - NRX-0013 Gundam Virsago - NRX-0013-CB Gundam Virsago Chest Break - NRX-0015 Gundam Ashtaron - NRX-0015-HC Gundam Ashtaron Hermit Crab - NRX-016 Rasveyt - NRX-018-2 Daughtress Neo
Old United Nations Earth (UNE):
DT-6800A Daughtress - FT-9600 GT-Bit - FW-9800 GW-Bit - FX-9900 GX-Bit - FX-9900-D G-Bit (D.O.M.E) - GB-9700 Gundam Belphagor - GT-9600 Gundam Leopard - GW-9800 Gundam Airmaster - GS-9900 G-Falcon - GX-9900 Gundam X
Space Revolutionary Army:
MA-06 Grandine - MAN-003 Patulia - RMS-006 Jenice - RMS-007G Juracg - RMS-009 Septem - RMS-014 Octape
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