Mammon (Dungeons & Dragons)

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In many campaign settings for the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game, Mammon is an Arch-Devil of Hell (Baator in later editions of the game), also known as the "Lord of Avarice."

Mammon is the lord of Minauros, the Third Plane of Hell, and he was able to retain this position after the Reckoning of Hell.

[edit] Description

Mammon was described in Monster Manual II as a 12-foot tall devil with red-gold scaled skin, and wings that gleam like rubies. Though his form was bloated and soft-looking, he is very strong.

In the 2nd edition of the game, during a period when TSR's management didn't allow their authors to use the names of historical demons, he was replaced by "Viscount Minauros," a man-snake hybrid with powers over disease. In A Paladin in Hell by Monte Cook, it was explained that "Viscount Minauros" and Mammon were one and the same, and he had changed his shape to show he had become a "new devil" after the failed rebellion in Hell that Chris Pramas dubbed "the Reckoning" in Guide to Hell.

Chris Pramas said that Mammon occasionally took on his earlier form when out hunting.

[edit] Vassals

The following beings are among the most notable subjects of Mammon. The forces at their disposal are listed, where appropriate:

  • Bael - 66 companies of hamatula (MM2).
  • Caarcrinolaas - 36 companies of hamatula (DR75).
  • The Flametongue - Lord Mammon's unique hellhounds. There are at least 30 of them.
  • Focalor - Seneschal (DR75).
  • Glasya, daughter of Asmodeus, was formerly Mammon's consort, but she left this position after the Reckoning of Hell.
  • Glwa - Chief Consort (FCII, DR75).
  • Melchon - 18 companies of erinyes (DR75).
  • Zabvra the Witch-Queen Former cleric/sorcerer of Lord Hextor who is now a desciple of Lord Mammon. She is the only mortal known to have won a position in Hell.
  • Zimmimar, pit fiend - 6 companies of osyluths, one of the Dark Eight.

[edit] References

  • Greenwood, Ed. "The Nine Hells Part I." Dragon #75 (TSR, 1983).
  • Gygax, Gary. "From the Sorcerer's Scroll: New Denizens of Devildom." Dragon #75 (TSR, Jul 1983).
  • Pramas, Chris. Guide to Hell (TSR, 1999).