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Malygos the Spellweaver
Gender Male
Race Blue Dragon Aspect
Character class n/a
Affiliation Blue Dragonflight
Occupation Guardian of Magic

In the fictional Warcraft universe, Malygos the Spellweaver is a character first seen in the Blizzard Entertainment novel, Warcraft: Day of the Dragon, written by Richard A. Knaak.

[edit] Biography

Norgannon, the titan lore keeper and master-magician, granted the Blue dragon, Malygos, a portion of his vast power.

One of the five Dragon Aspects, he is the Hand of Magic and leader of the blue dragonflight. Malygos was close friend of Neltharion the Earth Warder and was convinced by Neltharion to help him with the other Dragon Aspects decide to create the Dragon Soul. Malygos helped convince the other Dragon Aspects to lend a part of their power to the Dragon Soul. He did not know, however, the true intentions of the artifact and his friend. Once Neltharion the Earthwarder's closest friend, he and his flight led the attack against Neltharion when the once-noble black dragon betrayed the other dragonflights. The power of Neltharion's Demon Soul, however, completely decimated the blue dragonflight and Malygos was injured both physically and mentally.

The loss of his flight sent Malygos into despair and madness. He lost all interest in the rest of the world. Malygos would not recover his sanity for 10,000 years, when he would assist the other Aspects in freeing Alexstrasza, the Aspect of Life, and regain his powers when the Demon Soul was destroyed. Alextrasza afterwards gave the maddened Malygos some of her eggs to revive his flight. It was only through the actions of the dragon-mage Krasus that the blue dragonflight was able to slowly grow once more, for he had saved what few blue dragon eggs he could when the magic that had protected them from the cold failed due to Malygos's neglect after he had gone mad. Malygos now resides somewhere in the icy wastes of Northrend with the rest of his flight.

  • Appears in Warcraft: Day of the Dragon
  • Appears in Warcraft: War of the Ancients trilogy

[edit] Sources

  • Warcraft: War of the Ancients trilogy
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