Mallorcan midwife toad

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Mallorcan Midwife Toad
Conservation status
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Amphibia
Order: Anura
Genus: Altyes
Binomial name
Alytes muletensis
Sanchiz & Adrover, 1979

The Mallorcan Midwife Toad is an Amphibian of the order Anura and in the family Discoglossidae. It is exclusively endemic to the Balearic Island of Majorca in the Mediterranean Sea. Until 1977 the species was believed to have become extinct, however its consequent discovery meant that the species could be described as a Living Fossil. Although still found in the wild, the Midwife toad can be more commonly be seen in zoos, particularly the Gerald Durrell zoo in Jersey, where it has been quite successfully bred in captivity. The decline of wild populations to a total of about 500 breeding pairs, was caused primarily by the introduction of non-native species to the island hundreds of years ago. Two species in particular being the Green Frog and the Viperine Snake. Reintroduction of the species has taken place since 1988, with many breeding populations now well established in some areas. An alternative name for the species is the Ferreret.


[edit] Characteristics

Like all Midwife Toads, the male of the species always carries the developing eggs during the months of May and June. Generally the head and legs are large in comparison to the rest of the body. Unusually, the female of the species competes for the male, even grappling against other individuals in order to secure a Mate. Both male and female frogs use a series a noises in order to attract a mate during Courtship. Comparitively the female is largely than the male (Male: 34.7mm, Female: 38mm).

[edit] Distribution

The species is endemic to Majorca, and is found only in the mountainous regions and Gorges of the Sierra de Tramuntana. In this area, the species inhabits streams in limestone caverns, where they hide under boulders and stones.

[edit] References

1.IUCN Red List (November 2004)

2.Amphibia Web (February, 2002)

3.Open University (February, 2002)

4.Froglog IUCN/SSC Declining Amphibian Populations Task Force. August 1994 No. 10

5.Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust (Previously the Jersey Wildlife Preservation Trust) (September, 2002)

[edit] External Links