Majeediyya School

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Majeediyya School

Majeediyya School




April 19, 1927




Red, Green


Nihil Labore Difficile
(Latin for Nothing is impossible with hard work)

Majeediyya School (Dhivehi: މަޖީދިއްޔާ ސުކޫލް ) is the first Maldivian government school located in Malé, Maldives. It is a single gender school that teaches male students to the secondary level of Education. English medium is followed in teaching with the exception of Dhivehi and Islam.


[edit] School history

Majeediyya school was founded on April 19, 1927, by Sultan Muhammad Shamsuddeen III on the counsel of Sheik Ibrahim Rushdee and Sheik Husain Salaahuddin.

[edit] The beginning

Majeediyaa School initially started under the name Madharusathul Salahiyya, at Fadiyaaruge residence, with 69 students. Due to lack of necessary space, the school was soon relocated. The school name was changed to Madhrasathul Saniyyathul Hukoomathul Mahaldheebiyya (commonly referred to as Madhrasathul Saniyya) along with this relocation, in June 6, 1928. Sheikh Husain Salaahuddin was the first principal of the school and one of the first teachers of Majeedhiyya School included Sheikh Ibrahim Rushdil Azharee. The four houses of the school was Madhoshi, kaani, funa, and helebeli.

[edit] Separation

Though it is now a single-gender school, it wasn't so in the beginning. Madhrasathul Saniyya, from the start, accommodated students from both the genders. After 17 years, the need for a separate girl’s school was felt. A new school, Aminiyya School, was established by the Government for girls on November 28, 1944.

[edit] New name and motto

School named after Abdul Majeed
School named after Abdul Majeed

On April 6, 1947, Madharusathul Sanniyya's was renamed as "Madhrasathul Majeedhiyya", named after Sultan Sumuvvul Ameer Abdul Majeed Rannabandeyri Kilegefaanu. The new name was officially announced in a ceremony by the President at the time, Mohamed Amin Didi. He also unveiled the school motto "Nihil Labore Difficile" (nothing is impossible with hard work).

"Madhrasathul Majeedhiyya" was changed to Majeediyya School on May 27, 1969.

[edit] Golden Jubilee

In 1977, Majeediyya marked its Golden Jubilee. The student enrolment then was 989 students. A special ceremony was held on April 19, 1977 to celebrate 50 years of educational excellence.

[edit] Split up

In 2002, Majeediyya was split (both physically and logically) to form the second all-boys' school in Male'. This new school became known as Dharumavantha School. Thus, it was also a significant year in the history of Majeediyya School as it also coincided with the school's Diamond Jubilee.

[edit] School Song

[edit] Romanization

Majeedhee Majeedhee Fakhuruveri Hiyaa
Majeedhiyya Noorun Thanah Alikuraa

Furaashey Dharin Hiiy U'loomun Mithaa
Kuraashey Fidhaa Jaanu Vathaah Takai
Mi Mathiveri I'lmee I'maaraiy Thakah
Edheynee Hayaatha Ujaalaa Kamah

Majeedhee Majeedhee Fakhuruveri Hiyaa
Majeediyya Noorun Thanah Alikuraa

Dhirrey Rooh'u Ghazee Shaheeduvi Ali
Nerey Joashu Huravee Mi Iskandharee
Muraadhah Takai Genuvi Ilhaamugai
Kuraanee Jihaadhey Mi Ummeedhugai

Majeedhee Majeedhee Fakhuruveri Hiyaa
Majeediyya Noorun Thanah Alikuraa
Majeedhee Majeedhee Fakhuruveri Hiyaa
Majeediyya Noorun Thanah Alikuraa

[edit] In Thaana Script

މަޖީދީ މަޖީދީ ފަޙުރުވެރި ހިޔާ
މަޖީދިއްޔަ ނޫރުން ތަނަށް އަލިކުރާ

ފުރާށޭ ދަރިން ހިތް ޢުޞޫމުން މިތާ
ކުރާށޭ ފިދާ ޖާނު ވަތަނަށްޓަކައި
މި މަތިވެރި އިލްމީ އިމާރާތްތަކަށް
އެދެނީ ހަޔާތަށް އުޖާލާކަމަށް

މަޖީދީ މަޖީދީ ފަޙުރުވެރި ހިޔާ
މަޖީދިއްޔަ ނޫރުން ތަނަށް އަލިކުރާ

ދިރޭ ރޫޙު ގާޒީ ޝަހީދުވި ޢަލީ
ނެރޭ ޖޯޝު ހުރަވީ މި އިސްކަންދަރީ
މުރާދަށްޓަކައި ގެނުވި އިލްހާމުގައި
ކުރާނީ ޖިހާދޭ މިއުންމީދުގައި

މަޖީދީ މަޖީދީ ފަޙުރުވެރި ހިޔާ
މަޖީދިއްޔަ ނޫރުން ތަނަށް އަލިކުރާ
މަޖީދީ މަޖީދީ ފަޙުރުވެރި ހިޔާ
މަޖީދިއްޔަ ނޫރުން ތަނަށް އަލިކުރާ

[edit] External links