Maison du Roi

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The Maison du Roi (Household of the King) was the name of the military, domestic and religious entourage (Royal Household) around the royal family in France during the "Ancien Régime" and Bourbon Restoration; the exact composition and duties of its various divisions changed constantly over the Early Modern period. Officers of the "Maison du Roi" were directly responsible to the "Grand maître de France" (Chief Steward), although, starting in the 16th century and then from the 17th century on, the "Maison du Roi" was overseen by a ministry, the "Département de la Maison du Roi", directed by a secretary of state, the "Secrétaire d'État à la Maison du Roi". The structure of the "Maison du Roi" was officially reglemented under Henri III in 1578 and 1585; and in the 17th century by Jean-Baptiste Colbert.

[edit] The Military Maison du Roi

The military branch of the "Maison du Roi" was the French Army Household Cavalry brigade.

Far from being simply a ceremonial corps, the "Maison du Roi" participated in all the military campaigns of the 16th and 17th centuries. It played a vital role in the Battle of Oudenarde, when it saved the French army from probable destruction. In 1567, during the "surprise of Meaux", the royal family escaped capture by Protestant troups of the prince de Condé by the intervention of the Cent-Suisses. On 10 August 1792, the "Gardes suisses" were massacred protecting Louis XVI and his family.

On the field of battle, the "Maison du Roi" fought around the king and the "porte-cornette blanche" (the king's white standard), although the corps also fought in the absence of the king. The "Maison du Roi" made up -- along with the "Cavalerie d'ordonnance", the six "Vieux" the six "Petits-Vieux" -- the only permanent army of the kingdom.

Over the years, the "Maison du Roi has included the following corps:

The oldest of the regiments of the Maison du Roi was formed in 1440, and traced its ultimate origins to the Scots forces brought to France in 1422 by John Stewart, Earl of Buchan, to fight against the English in the Hundred Years' War. Buchan's original company was divided in two, one part becoming the 1st (or Scottish) Company of the Life Guards (Gardes du Corps), the other becoming the senior company of Gendarmes. A second, French, company of Life Guards was formed by Louis XI in 1474 and the third by Louis in 1479. The fourth company, again French, was raised by Francis I in 1516. These companies existed until the French Revolution when they were disbanded.

During the final period of the French Wars of Religion, Henry IV wished to provide guards for christening of the Dauphin (later Louis XIII). He created a new company of 200 men-at-arms which formed half of the Dauphin's guards. In 1611, this company became the Gendarmes de la Garde. This company was paired with another company of heavy cavalry. These chevau-légers (light cavalry) wore armour and were only light when compared to the Gendarmes, who wore more armour. This company dated to 1570, and became part of the Dauphin's guard and then of the Maison du Roi.

The next companies of the Maison du Roi, and by far the most famous, were the Musketeers, the guardsmen who appear in Dumas senior's The Three Musketeers. The first company, which was formed in 1622, represents the Musketeers in which D'Artagnan and his friends served. The second company, not taken into the Maison du Roi until 1663, has previously been the Cardinal Mazarin's guards. Perhaps, by this route, some of Cardinal Richelieu's guards eventually became King's Musketeers.

Unlike the previous companies, officered by powerful nobles, and with many nobles in their ranks, the final company of the Maison du Roi was created as an elite force, formed by taking one grenadier from each infantry regiment and making him a mounted grenadier. The resulting picked men who would become the Grenadiers à cheval were interviewed by Louis XIV. Those colonels who, in the Sun King's opinion had not sent the best of their men, were reprimanded and ordered to send a suitable replacement. The company was completed in 1676.

Under Louis XIV, direction of the military "Maison du Roi" was given to the "Secrétaire d'État à la Maison du roi" and the "Secrétaire d'État à la guerre".

[edit] The Religious Maison du Roi

The Ecclesiastical Household of the king was headed by the Grand Almoner of France ("Grand aumônier of France) (created by François I), most often a bishop. The king's chapel ("la chapelle du roi") – which did not originally refer to a building, but to the religious entourage of the king – was in charge of the mass and religious ceremonies (marriages, baptisms) for the soverein and the royal family, and the king's alms and public charities. It was headed by the Grand Almoner who was assisted by the First Almoner, who fullfilled the duties of the Grand Almoner when the latter was unable to. Other officers of the "Maison ecclésiastique" included several "aumônier ordinaire" (who maintained the regular service of the chapel), the "prédicateur du roi" (or "king's preacher"), who preached in the presence of the king, and the king's confessor.

The royal chapel also included a group of ecclesiastics and musicians for the religious services, divided into two sections: the "chapel and oratory" ("chapelle et oratoire") – directed by the master of the Oratory ("maître de l'Oratoire") – which performed spoken masses, and the "grande chapelle" – directed by the master of the chapel ("maître de la chapelle") – which perfomed masses in plainchant. In the reign of Louis XV, the musicians of the two chapels were united, and oversight was eventually transferred (in 1761) from the Ecclestiastical household to the King's Chamber and the position of "master of the chapel" was eliminated.

[edit] The Domestic Maison du Roi

The "Maison du Roi civile", or domestic entourage of the king was divided into a number of departments, whose number varried over the years. Under Louis XIV it consisted of 22 departments. Each department was directed by the "grands officiers de la maison du roi de France" (a title similar to, but not the same as, "grand officier de la couronne de France"). From the 16th to the 17th centuries, the "Maison du Roi civile" consisted of around 1000 - 2000 individuals.

The most important departments were the following :

[edit] The "Bouche du roi"

The largest of the departments, the "Bouche du roi" oversaw the meals of the king. It was run by the "Premier Maître d'hôtel". The seven offices of the department were:

  • gobelet: wine and drink, run by the Grand Bouteiller
  • cuisine-bouche: cuisine
  • paneterie: bakers
  • échansonnerie:
  • cuisine-commun:
  • fruiterie: fruits
  • fourrière:

Officers included: the Maître d'hôtel ordinaire, the 12 Maîtres d'hôtel servant par quartier, the Grand panetier, the Premier écuyer tranchant and the Grand échanson (three offices which had become purely honorific in the Earlly Modern period), and the 36 gentleman servants, etc.

[edit] The King's Chamber

Directed by the Grand Chambrier of France or Grand Chambellan of France, this department oversaw the king's rooms and his personal escort. After the "Bouche du roi", it was the second largest. It consist of 4 First Gentlemen of the chambre, the gentlemen of the chambre, the chamber valets, the pages, the huissiers and the children of honor. Their proximity to the king made these charges particularly estimed.

[edit] The "Menus-Plaisirs"

The complete name of this department was "argenterie, menus plaisirs et affaires de la chambre du roi" ("silver, small entertainments and affairs of the king's chamber"). This service was in charge of theater decor, costumes and props for plays, ballets and other court entertainments. It was run by an intendant.

[edit] The Ceremonies

Created in 1585 by Henri III,this service was in charge of public ceremonies such as: baptisms, marriages and royal funerals, coronations and the "sacre" (or royal christening), royal entries into towns, royal festivals, ambassaderial receptions, États généraux, etc. It was run by the Grand maître des cérémonies, assisted by the maître and the aide of cérémonies.

[edit] The Royal Stables

Divided in 1582 into two parts :

  • the "Grande Écurie", run by the Grand écuyer of France, called « M. le Grand », who oversaw the transport of the king and his ceremonial entourage (heralds, men of arms, musicians, etc.)
  • the "Petite Écurie", run by the premier écuyer, called « M. le Premier », comprising squires, pages, foot valets, coaches, harnesses, saddles and coachmen.

[edit] The Venery

This was the king's hunting service, run by the Grand Veneur (the Master of the Hunt and Royal Game Warden), and consisting of the "vénerie" (hunting on horseback), "louveterie" (the hunt of wolves run by the Grand Louvetier), falcon hunting (run by the Grand Falconer) and the "vautrait" (boar hunt, run by the "Capitaine du vautrait" or "Capitaine des toiles").

[edit] Great Officers of the Royal Household

The major offices of the royal household are sometimes listed as the "grands officiers de la maison du roi de France", not to be confused with the Great Officers of the Crown of France, with which it overlaps in part. Although lists of the Great Officers vary, the following are generally considered Great Officers of the Royal Household:

Domestic Household:

  • the First Maître d'hôtel (Chief Butler)- overseeing the king's table and the "bouches du roi".
  • the Grand Panetier of France, overseeing bread.
  • the Grand Échanson de France, overseeing wine.
  • the First "Écuyer tranchant", who cuts the meat of the king.
  • the four "First gentlemen of the King's Chamber", who oversee the King's chambre.
  • the four "First Valets of the King's Chamber", who oversee, under the direction of the first gentlment, the King's chambre.
  • the first écuyer de France seconds the Grand écuyer.
  • the Grand Huntsman of France ("Grand Veneur"), directs royal hunts, especially the stag hunt.
  • the Grand Falconer of France, direct royal hunts using birds of prey.
  • theGrand Louvetier of France, direct royal hunts of wolves and boar.
  • the Grand Master of Ceremonies of France ("grand maître des cérémonies"), directs court ceremonies and protocol.
  • the Grand Marshal of lodging ("maréchal des logis"), oversees lodging of the king, of the court and of the royal household.
  • the Grand Provost of France, heads the court police, and for this purpose has jurisdiction over the military troups of the Maison du roi.
  • the Grand Almoner of France, at the head of the royal chapel and the head of the "Ecclesiastical House of the King (the "maison ecclésiastique du roi de France").
  • the first Almoner of France who aids the Grand Almoner.

Military Household:

Capitain of the bodyguard.
Capitain-colonel of the Cent-Suisses
Colonel General of the Suisses et Grisons
Capitain-colonel of the guards of the king's door.
Capitain-lieutenant of the gendarmes of the guard
Capitain-lieutenant of the chevau-légers (light cavalry) of the guard
Colonel General of the Musketeers of the guard
Capitain-lieutenant of the first company of the Musketeers of the guard
Capitain-lieutenant of the first company of the Musketeers of the guard
Capitain-lieutenant of the grenadiers à cheval of the guard

[edit] The Secretary of State of the Maison du Roi

Starting in the 16th century and then from the 17th century on, the "Maison du Roi" was overseen by a ministry, the "Département de la Maison du Roi", directed by a secretary of state, the "Secrétaire d'État à la Maison du Roi", although this oversight was purely formal, as the officers of the "Maison du Roi" were under the direct authority of the Grand maître de France (Chief Steward of France). Moreover, in practice, the military branch of the Maison du Roi was run by the Minister of War. The "Secrétaire d'État à la Maison du Roi" was however in charge of recruiting officers for the "Maison du Roi", and would receive prospective applications for posts and submit them to the king for his approval.

[edit] References

This article is based, in part, on the articles Maison du roi, Grand office de la maison du roi de France and Maison ecclésiastique du roi de France from the French Wikipedia, retrieved on August 11, September 1 and September 9 2006 (respectively).
  • Bernard Barbiche, Les institutions de la monarchie française à l'époque moderne, XVIe - XVIIIe siècle, Paris : PUF, 1999, 2nd edition. 2001.
  • Père Anselme de Sainte-Marie (o.c.m.), Histoire généalogique et chronologique de la Maison royale de France, des pairs et grands officiers de la Couronne et de la Maison du Roi, Compagnie des Libraires associés, 1737.
  • Jean-François Solnon, art. « Maison du roi », Dictionnaire du Grand Siècle, s. dir, François Bluche, Fayard, 1990.
  • Louis Susane, Histoire de la cavalerie française (3 vols). Reprinted C. Terana, Paris, 1984. ISBN 2-904221-03-4.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

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