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Maybe you are looking for Maio Island, Guinea-Bissau. For MAIO in GSM, see Mobile Allocation Index Offset.
Maio - Cape Verde
Image:Cape Verde-Maio.png
Elevation: 436 m (Monte Penoso)
Latitude: 15.22 (15°13'22 N)
Longitude: 22.163 (2°9'55" W)
Length: 31 km (north to south)
Width: 20 to 25 km (west to east)
Area: 269 km²
Population: 5,435
Location: Cape Verde Islands
Type: N/A

Maio (Capeverdean Crioulo, ALUPEC: Maiu, also in Maio Crioulo) is the easternmost of the Sotavento islands of Cape Verde. Maio is located south of the islands of Boa Vista and east of Santiago It was named by Europeans, after its first sighting on May 1, 1460. The island prospered around salt collecting, with a little agriculture and grazing, but none of the industries are now profitable. The island’s main town is Vila do Maio, also known as Porto Inglês, near which its airport lies. The island is also known for its trees, unusual for Cape Verde.

The island population is about 5,435, the area is 269 km² and the population density is 20.2/km². The tallest mountain on the island (436 m) is on the east coast, in a mountain range named Monte Penoso. Terra Salgadas is a plain filled with salt, in the far north. The northernmost point on the island is Ponta Cais. Bays includes Galeão and Santana to the north.


[edit] Parishes

[edit] Settlements

[edit] Other

Maio has a few schools or a collegiate (colegio), a high school, churches, beaches including Galeão and Santana, hotels, a port serving to the islands of Boa Vista and Santiago, and a square (praça).

[edit] Sporting teams

Main article: Maio Island League

[edit] External links

Islands of Cape Verde Flag of Cape Verde
Island Groups
Barlavento | Sotavento

Boa Vista | Brava | Fogo | Maio | Sal | Santa Luzia | Santiago | Santo Antão | São Nicolau | São Vicente

Branco | Ilhéu Laja Branca | Ilhéu dos Passaros | Ilhéu Rabo de Junco | Razo | Ilhéu de Sal-Rei | Ilhéu Secos (Ilhéu de Cima | Ilhéu Grande)

Municipalities of Cape Verde

Boa Vista | Brava | Maio | Mosteiros | Paul | Porto Novo | Praia | Ribeira Grande | Sal | Santa Catarina | Santa Cruz | São Domingos | São Filipe | São Miguel | São Nicolau | São Vicente | Tarrafal

New municipalities (as of 2005)

Ribeira Grande de Santiago | Santa Catarina do Fogo | São Lourenço dos Órgãos | São Salvador do Mundo | Tarrafal de São Nicolau