Maharaja Ranjit Singh, Bharatpur

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Maharaja Ranjit Singh was the ruler of princely state Bharatpur (1776 - 1805) and successor of Maharaja Nawal Singh. Jawahar Singh had no son, hence he was succeeded by his incapable, licentious and luxuriant brother Maharaja Ratan Singh. Ratan Singh was ultimately killed by a juggler at Mathura. His son Kehri Singh died of small pox in childhood. Ranjit Singh ascended to throne in 1776.

In the absence of any capable and powerful ruler, the inevitable result was a civil war and maladministration within the state. Conflict arose between two brothers of Maharaja Jawahar Singh, i.e. Maharaja Nawal Singh and Maharaja Ranjit Singh. Nawal Singh's health was indifferent, and he finally died thereby clearing the way for Ranjit Singh to ascend the throne of Bharatpur. These internal dissensions caused the economic condition of the state to deteriotate.

In this period the seven years War between France and England was taking place on. France was flourishing under the leadership of Napoleon Bonaparte who was thinking of colonising India. The British were also trying to do the same through the East India Company.

The French Governor of Pondicherry approached Captains Samru and Madek to resign their services with the Jats who were considered friends of British. According to the instructions from their Government, both the reliable and trustworthy commanders of Jats Force had to leave them, and take up their new assignment at Delhi under the Mughal Emperor.

Taking advantage of their intimate knowledge of the weakness of Bharatpur State. Mirza Nazaf attacked Bharatpur and defeated Ranjit Singh at Hathras. Ranjit Singh was exiled from the State and Maharani Kishori was left with the territory of Kumher having a yearly income of Rs. 7 Lakhs. But after the death of Mirza, the Mughals in defiance of his decision attempted to capture Kumbher also. Ranjit Singh during his period of exile consolidated his strength, rallied against the Mughals, gave them a crushing defeat and returned to Bharatpur victoriously. He not only regained his lost territory but also annexed some Mughal territory.

He was supported by Marathas on the condition of Chauth (1/4 of war benefits). He tended his diplomatic relations with the East India Company and also gained some more territory resulting in further amelioration of his position. After acquiring sufficient power, he discontinued the grant of Chauth to Marathas which resulted in strained relations between Marathas and Jats.

In 1802, in the war between the British and the Marathas, the latter were badly vanquished by the foreign forces under command of Lord Lake. The troops of Marathas under Yashwant Rao Holkar fled away from the battle field and were chased by the British forces.

They tried to seek shelter with Patiala, Jind and other states, but none of these rulers had the courage to keep them in realisation of the consequences when the British forces were advancing with unabated vigour. Reluctantly the Marathas appealed to Bharatpur. The Jats greeted them with open arms. The Jats would not give up their traditional hospitality and courtesy even at the cost of their lives. Lord Lake advanced on Bharatpur in spite of the combined forces of Jats and Marathas. Due to heavy pressure from the enemy, the Jats had to evacuate Deeg for better defensive positions.

Maharaja Ranjit Singh remained the friend of British rulers through out his life. He fully followed the treaty with British. He died in December 1805. He had four sons out of which Maharaja Randhir Singh was the eldest who succeeded him.

Preceded by
Maharaja Nawal Singh
Bharatpur ruler
17761805 AD
Succeeded by
Maharaja Randhir Singh

[edit] References

  • Ram Swarup Joon: History of the Jats, Rohtak, India (1938, 1967)
  • Dr Natthan Singh: Jat - Itihasa (Hindi), Jat Samaj Kalyan Parishad Gwalior, 2004
  • Thakur Deshraj: Jat Itihasa (Hindi), Maharaja Suraj Mal Smarak Shiksha Sansthan, Delhi, 1934, 2nd edition 1992.

[edit] External link