Magnetic Kid

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Magnetic Kid
Publisher DC Comics
First appearance Adventure Comics #335 (August 1965)
Created by Unknown
Alter ego Pol Krinn
Affiliations Legion of Super-Heroes, None
Abilities Magnetism manipulation

Magnetic Kid (Pol Krinn of the planet Braal) was a fictional comic book superhero in the DC Comics universe. He has the superhuman power of generating and controlling magnetism. He first appeared as a child in Adventure Comics #335 (August 1965), and joined the Legion of Super-Heroes in volume 3, #14 (September 1985). His brother was the Legionnaire Cosmic Boy.

Like all natives of the planet Braal, Pol possessed magnetic powers. He was skilled enough with his powers to become a successful magno-ball player. When his brother Rokk became less involved with the Legion (before retiring for a time) Pol joined the Legion Academy. He followed in his brother's footsteps by adopting a costume that resembled the costume worn by Cosmic Boy when he first joined.

Magnetic Kid joined the Legion along with members Polar Boy, Sensor Girl, Quislet and Tellus. While a member, he refined the use of his magnetic powers to help set himself apart from his brother. Magnetic Kid died tragically during the 'Magic Wars' storyline, sacrificing himself to unlock the Sorcerers' World.

[edit] Notes

Magnetic Kid was not a member of the Legion after the reboot. He has yet to appear in the current 're-imagining' of the Legion of Super-Heroes, written by Mark Waid.

There was another person calling himself Magnetic Kid. He was a spy from the planet Murra, along with two other fake applicants Size Lad and Blackout Boy, before they were discovered and thrown out of the Legion.[issue # needed]