Magical Items and Weapons in Power Rangers

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The following is a list of magical items, artifacts, and weapons that have appeared in the television series Power Rangers. It consists only of ancient, magical things which were created before the series in which they debuted. It is probably incomplete.

Note: Individual Ranger weapons are, for the most part, not included here. They can be found in descriptions of each series.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.


[edit] Badges of Darkness

Rita possessed six clay pseudo-morphers which could transform her Putty Patrollers (and possibly anyone else) into dark copies of the Power Rangers. In the episode "Mighty Morphin Mutants", she instructed Goldar to train six Putties up to fighting fitness to confront the Rangers. At the end of training, only five of the Putties were found worthy, so the sixth (Red Ranger) Badge was destroyed. The remaining five Mutant Rangers attacked the Power Rangers under the leadership of Commander Crayfish, but all six enemies (and the five remaining Badges) were destroyed.

[edit] Damocles Sword

This refers to the magical weapon in Power Rangers: Zeo. For the legend which was the source of the name, see Sword of Damocles.

The Damocles Sword was a powerful magical sword possessed by King Mondo in Power Rangers: Zeo and seen in the episode "Mondo's Last Stand". The sword had great power, but could be just as dangerous to an inept wielder as to an enemy. According to Queen Machina, Mondo used the sword 1,000 years before the events of Zeo, found himself unable to command it, and had it buried on Earth so he wouldn't be tempted to use it again. Nevertheless, the Machine King dug up the sword and used it to fight the Rangers. The sword again led him to disaster; Mondo was destroyed, and the Sword itself was cut in half.

[edit] Dino Gems

Fragments left over from the meteor that wiped out the dinosaurs millions of years ago, the five Dino Gems still possessed the ancient spirits of the dinosaur in them, and allowed their users to transform into the Power Rangers: Dino Thunder. Significantly, however, the Dino Gems chose their users, not the other way around. Though originally only three were found (and chose Conner McKnight, Ethan James, and Kira Ford), a black gem (which chose Tommy Oliver) and a white gem (which chose Trent Fernandez) were later revealed. All five Dino Gems' powers were gone due to burnout in the final battle against Mesogog.

In addition to their use for morphing the Rangers, each Dino Gem also had a special power. They were:

  • Red Gem - Super speed
  • Blue Gem - Dino skin (made Ethan's body impenetrable to attack)
  • Yellow Gem - Ptera-scream (supersonic screaming attack)
  • Black Gem - Invisibility
  • White Gem - Camouflage

[edit] Dragon Dagger

The Dragon Dagger was a weapon/tool used by Tommy Oliver, the Green Ranger in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers to summon his Dragonzord by playing a tune on it using it as a flute. The Dragon Dagger was also Green Ranger's primary weapon of defense while he was in battle. In addition to its obvious use as a melee weapon, when played it could energize the Green Ranger's chest shield and make it invulnerable to enemy fire.

[edit] Golden Power Staff

Possessed by Trey of Triforia, the Golden Staff allowed its wielder to morph into the Gold Ranger. It was originally possessed by Trey, until he transferred his powers temporarily to Jason Lee Scott. The Golden power was returned to Trey in the Zeo series finale.

[edit] Green Candle

Some time after losing control of her evil Green Ranger, Rita Repulsa devised a plan to strip Tommy of his powers. Using a magic wax which Tommy had touched when he worked for her, Rita crafted a Green Candle, which, when it burned out, would destroy the Green Ranger powers. It was kept in the dark dimension while it was burning. Jason entered to try and stop the candle, but engaged in a standoff fight with Goldar. Before the battle could be resolved, Zack went in after Jason and convinced him to return to Earth to save Tommy's life instead of his powers. However, Zordon had Tommy transfer the Dragon Coin to Jason just before the candle burned out, so the Green Ranger powers were saved (for the moment).

NOTE: Though the Green Candle did not exist before the events of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, the wax it was made from did.

[edit] Power Coins

See main article: Power Coins

The Power Coins are magical golden coins created by the warrior Ninjor. The Power Coins allowed those who possessed them to morph into Power Rangers. Originally only five were presented, but eight more were revealed as the series went on. After Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, the Power Coins were used only in two occasions, one in Power Rangers: in Space when Adam morphed into the Black Power Ranger, and the other in Power Rangers: Wild Force when Jason morphed into the Red Power Ranger.

[edit] Quasar Sabers

The Quasar Sabers are five legendary swords that were stuck in a stone on Mirinoi for 3,000 years. According to legend, anyone that frees the Quasar Sabers will be destined to fight for good and justice forever. Five members of the Terra Venture colony liberated the Quasar Sabers and became the Galaxy Power Rangers. The Quasar Sabers are the primary weapons of the Galaxy Rangers. They have been shown to be exceedingly powerful on their own. In one such case, returning them to that same stone undid all the damage Mirinoi had endured due to villains trying to claim the Sabers. In battle, the Rangers used these swords as their main weapons and could even use them to channel the power of an element (Fire for Leo, Water for Kai, Wind for Damon, Lightning for Maya and Nature for Kendrix/Karone).

[edit] Rita's Skull and Crystal Ball

Sitting on a table near her telescope, Rita Repulsa had a human skull and a crystal ball, which she used to perform many of her magic spells. The crystal ball additionally seemed to have a connection to Rita's dark dimension and her Island of Illusions.

[edit] Rita's Wand

Rita Repulsa had a magic wand which, when thrown down to Earth, released a steam vent from the ground which made her monsters grow to gigantic height with the call, "Magic Wand, make my monster GROW!". When Lord Zedd deposed her, he destroyed her wand. A new one was given to her when she returned in "The Wedding: Part I". Later on in the Zeo series Finster created her a more powerful staff. Although it looked just like her wand, it was more powerful than the original.

[edit] Savage Sword

The Savage Sword was an ancient sword of great power. According to the Galaxy Book it had more power than the five Quasar Sabers combined. The Savage Sword has the ability to drain energy from anything it touched and transfer it to its owner. Furthermore, the sword grows stronger with each blow (possibly by draining energy on touch), changing form as well.

Its location was unknown, only mentioned in the Galaxy Book. Pink Ranger Kendrix worked on translating the Galaxy Book, thus discovering the sword was on planet Rashon. Her mind was then read by the antagonist Psycho Pink, who went after the sword in a quest for great power. Arriving on Rashon, Pyscho Pink pulled the sword from the stone and used it to attack her pursuers, Kendrix and the Pink Space Ranger Cassie. The power of the sword healed Psycho Pink's injuries from previous battles, when she drained Cassie's power. When Cassie demorphed, Psycho Pink pierced her fallen morpher with the Savage Sword in order to absorb all the power. The sword did so and became the center of a huge pink energy storm that threatened the nearby Terra Venture. Kendrix made her way to the eye of the storm and struck the Savage Sword with her Quasar Saber. The resulting explosion stopped the energy storm but killed Kendrix as well. The Savage Sword was last seen falling to the ground in two pieces.

The Savage Sword is, so far, the only known artifact responsible for killing a Power Ranger.

[edit] Shield of Triumph

A powerless shield.
A powerless shield.

Hidden beneath a waterfall for untold ages, the Shield of Triumph in Power Rangers: Dino Thunder, when infused with the power of the Blue, Yellow, White and Black, Dino Gems, would transform from a white, powerless relic to a colorful and powerful device which could then only be used by someone "in tune with the mystical dino energies" as the Black Dino Ranger Doctor Tommy Oliver put it. Thus, the Shield was obtained by a person Oliver believed to fit the requirements, Conner McKnight, who used the shield's power, along with his own Red Dino Ranger powers, to become a completely new Ranger known as the Triassic Ranger. After this, Conner would sometimes require repeated power transfers from the Blue Dino Ranger Ethan James and the Yellow Dino Ranger Kira Ford. However, Conner would also, in times of extreme stress or necessity, activate his Triassic powers on his own with the shield. After Conner morphed into the Triassic Ranger, he also often activate the shield's other abilities, seemingly as second nature. These other abilities included: the shield's second mode, called the Sword of Triumph (which was basically just the shield with a blade bit extended, like on a Swiss Army knife), and the power to transport the Triassic Ranger and his opponent into another reality. The Triassic Ranger referred to it as his world and others commonly dubbed it "the Triassic Dimension". In the Triassic Dimension, the Triassic Ranger appeared to have complete control over reality, meaning his enemy was doomed. After their defeat, he would return with them to other world, where his enemy would often explode, somewhat spontaneously. Finally, the shield also acted as the Triassic Ranger's control key for the Mezodon Zord, Mezodon Rover and Mezodon Megazord. The shield itself, as a whole, looked like the Mezodon Zord's head, but it was also decorated with face places of the Cephala, Parasaur, Dimetro, and Ankylo Zords, allowing it to control them as well. This effectively made those Zords the Triassic Ranger's and allowed him to form the Triceramax Megazord.

[edit] Space Dumpster

10,000 years before the events of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Zordon trapped Rita Repulsa, Goldar, Finster, Squat, and Baboo in a magically sealed space Dumpster, which was hidden on the moon. It was opened 10,000 years later by a pair of hapless astronauts, allowing Rita and her minions to break free.

When Lord Zedd arrived on the moon to relieve Rita of command, he trapped her in a second dumpster and sent her spinning off into space. This dumpster crashed once on Earth, where it was found by Bulk and Skull. They briefly released Rita before the Rangers found her and sent her back to space. The dumpster crashed again, this time on the moon, and Rita escaped back to her palace.

[edit] Sword of Darkness

During the original battle between Zordon and Rita over 10,000 years ago, Rita's greatest warrior was equipped with the magical Sword of Darkness, which he used to defeat Zordon's champions. Ages later, Rita gave the Sword to her Green Ranger in "Green with Evil". The Sword of Darkness gave the Green Ranger even greater powers than he already had, and also served to hold Rita's brainwashing spell in place. In a titanic duel between the Green Ranger and the Red Ranger, the Sword was destroyed, and the spell on Tommy was broken, allowing him to join the Power Rangers and costing Rita her greatest warrior.

Zordon knew about the Sword's magical properties, but he was knocked out of action until the very end of "Green with Evil". When he returned in Part V, however, he quickly told Jason about the Sword's weakness.

In the episode "Mighty Morphin Mutants", Rita created five dark copies of the Rangers (with Commander Crayfish serving as the leader; no putty was worthy to be the Red Ranger), each of which carried a dark version of their Ranger's weapon. The exception was the Mutant Green Ranger, who instead of carrying a dark Dragon Dagger, carried what appeared to be a copy of the Sword of Darkness.

[edit] Sword of Light

Not to be confused with the weapon of the Mighty Morphin Red Ranger (the Power Sword), the Sword of Light was an ancient artifact which could be used to transfer Ranger powers from one individual to another. It was used to transfer the Red, Black, and Yellow powers from Jason, Zack, and Trini to Rocky, Adam, and Aisha in "Power Transfer: Part II". According to Lord Zedd, the Sword could also be used to drain a Ranger's power entirely, and he intended to do this to Green Ranger Tommy Oliver (though he did not succeed completely, Tommy's powers were very much weakened and only lasted a few more episodes).

[edit] Xenotome

Filled with ancient magical spells, which are revealed as the rangers do heroic deeds, the Xenotome is the source of magical knowledge for the Power Rangers: Mystic Force. Hidden in the Mystic Rangers headquarters, Rootcore, the Xenotome is full of spells, but most of them remain hidden.

[edit] Zeo Crystal

A very powerful magical artifact, the Zeo Crystal was actually made up of five individual crystals (each also called a Zeo Crystal, and colored red, green, blue, yellow, and pink). The Crystal was a weapon of light, and would curse any impure being who touched it; Lord Zedd was said to have been transformed from a human to his more famous state by trying to steal the Zeo Crystal (although this may only have been a joke by Rita), and Goldar and Rito Revolto lost their memories when they tried to steal it.

For millennia, the Crystal was hidden on the moon, in a cavern under where Rita's palace would be built, until Master Vile arrived and used the Crystal to try to take over Earth. When he failed, the Crystal was retrieved by the Rangers and split into its five sub-crystal components, and sent through a time hole to various points in the past. When the Rangers were turned into kids and lost their powers, they sought out the Zeo Crystal from the different time periods.

While the Ranger kids were collecting the sub-crystals, Zedd had Rito and Goldar plan to steal the Crystal once it was formed, and destroy the Command Center by placing detonation devices in the basement they had located.

They almost succeeded on both counts, but the Crystal dropped into the rubble when the Command Center exploded, and the Command Center itself was magically rebuilt soon after being destroyed. The Power Rangers discovered the Crystal in the ruins, and used it to access the previously hidden Power Chamber. Later on, Tommy, Adam, Rocky, Tanya, and Kat used the five component parts to become the Power Rangers Zeo.

[edit] Zordon's Tube

Zordon in Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers
Zordon in Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers

Power Ranger mentor Zordon, who had been trapped in a time warp ages ago by Rita Repulsa, appeared as a giant floating head in a clear tube in the Command Center. He was able to teleport around the galaxy, but presumably only to other such tubes (he appeared in different, but similar, tubes in Power Rangers: Zeo and Power Rangers: In Space). As shown in Countdown to Destruction, shattering Zordon's tube would kill him. Also, the controls in the Command Center could be used to interfere with Zordon's presence or send him to other dimensions, as the evil Green Ranger did in Green with Evil.

[edit] Z-Staff

Lord Zedd's personal weapon, the Z-Staff was a long chrome staff with a "Z" on the top. Zedd could use it to cast magic, such as bringing monsters to life and shrinking Rita Repulsa, as well as project lightning from the end. The Z-Staff was originally created in "The Mutiny" when Zedd created it from a boa constrictor. This Z-Staff was later destroyed by the White Ranger, and it reverted to snake form. Zedd later obtained a second Z-Staff, its provenance unknown. (Trivia - in one episode, the Z-Staff is seen with Duct Tape holding on the "Z" part, presumably broken off in a rehearsal.)