Magic in Negima

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This page discusses the magic and magic systems in the manga and anime series Negima!: Magister Negi Magi.


[edit] Western Mages and Eastern Mages

In Negima, the two main divisions of magic shown are Western (European) and Eastern (Asian). Western magic is largely based on real-life Western fantasy myths and lore, with monsters and spiritual entities such as dragons, salamanders, and valkyries. Western magic is often invoked through the chanting of Latinite incantations, though incantations in Ancient Greek and other unknown languages have been demonstrated. However, skilled mages have been shown to use magic without incantations, eliminating one of the greatest vulnerabilities of a magic-user.

What has been seen of Negima's Eastern magic so far is that it is largely based on traditional Far-Eastern religion and folk belief. Eastern Mages often exclusively utilize talismans and charms to invoke magic and summon demons, although incantations to activate them are common as well.

There are also significant differences between Western and Eastern schools in how mages typically apply magic in the field. The Western school of mages emphasizes the mage as a part of a team; the mage casts spells, whilst the partner or allies provide support, protecting the magician. In this way, many of the spells have a focus on two main sections: support powers, such as magic barriers, healing, and precognition, and assault powers, designed to either fire too many attacks to dodge, or to make an extremely powerful attack to break through any magic barriers. Even in this grouping however, many of these spells are designed for sealing, capture, and disarming rather than for outright destruction of the enemy.

On the other hand, Eastern Mage schools emphasize the mage as a lone operative, with many of the spells devised to disrupt and confuse rather than to play a role in direct combat. In addition, the Eastern mage's talismans are highly specific. An assault demon, for example, will last until it is either destroyed, or until no more enemies remain, and then dissipate. In much the same way, a defensive demon will only last until it defends the mage from an assault. Once there are no possible threats, they dissipate. Talisman monsters, such as the assault (zenki) and protective (goki) demons, are an exception; these talisman monsters last until their purpose is accomplished, or until they are destroyed. In the case that no orders are given to talismans, they will take whatever task they are first given, and attempt to complete that. Once that task is completed, they return to paper.

Mages, whether from the East or West, cannot control time.

[edit] Western Magic Spells

[edit] Magic Boost and Barriers

While not an actual spell, most mages and magical beings use their magic to augment their physical abilities and for protection. For example, the ten-year-old Negi is, with the help of his magic, slightly more physically capable than a normal adult male. Mages can also increase this boost deliberately, for protection or to increase combat abilities, if a combat mage. Negi has discovered two methods of doing this. The first is by essentially invoking a pactio with himself, giving himself a timed boost of energy. The second is with a spell called Cantus Bellax. The first method, however, causes physical pain after a few seconds of use, therefore is not recommended.

Most mages have a low-level barrier that protects them against physical blows, letting only a fraction of the force behind them pass through to strike the mage. This barrier is not a perfect defense, as it can be worn down by repeated blows, or can be broken by a spell as a prelude to an attack. In addition, some people are capable of breaking or bypassing barriers altogether. Asuna Kagurazaka (in various situations - see Magic Canceller below) and Chizuru Naba (when striking a demon with her hand) have both been shown capable of getting past barriers, often completely by accident.

In addition, a popular form of barrier is an area-effect shield used to prevent mundanes from getting in an area where mages battle or otherwise conduct business in the open. This barrier works to mask sound, to prevent overhearing, and causes a desire of anyone outside the barrier to want to leave the area. This is more of a suggestion than outright mental control, as a person can choose to fight the feeling if they are aware of it.

[edit] Sagitta Magica (Magic Arrows)

One of the most basic attack spells, but also very versatile. The caster fires a number of elemental magic missiles and fires them at the target. The number can vary from just one to at least a hundred and ninety-nine arrows, but in the manga is usually a prime number. The missiles have a homing capability, and will track and follow their target at the direction of the caster. Normally, the attack fires in a wide-spread swarm, similar to a Macross Missile Massacre, striking the target from multiple angles, but the caster, by substituting Convergentia for Series, can combine the arrows into a single larger bolt, which is easier to avoid, but hits that much harder.

The elemental variations of the Sagitta Magica shown in the manga are:

  • Wind
  • Lightning
  • Light
  • Ice
  • Dark
  • Fire
  • Water

Elements are usually used according to the caster's affinities. For Example, Negi primarily uses Light, Lightning, and Wind Arrows, while Evangeline uses Ice and Dark.

Different elements may also give the arrows different properties. Wind arrows, for example, usually do not inflict damage but instead bind the target, while Lightning arrows may paralyze the target if they hit in addition to the damage they do. This makes them useful for stopping someone the caster does not have the intention or ability to hurt.

Some mages, particularly combat mages, will also use the Sagitta Magica to enhance the power of their close combat attacks. A single Light or Dark arrow can add considerable power to a punch, while adding a Lightning arrow to an attack is doubly useful for the reasons stated above. During the Mahora Martial Arts Tournament, Negi demonstrated this by using magic arrows to supplement his blows in the technique that he dubbed Raika-houken.

[edit] Evocatio (Evoke; Summon)

While Eastern mages utilize talismans to summon demons to assist them, Western mages can use magic to summon spirits to aid in battle as well. This spell evokes, or summons spirits that serve the caster, and can be directed to attack or capture an enemy.




"I summon the Valkyries, Sword-wielding partners!"

Another wind summoning spell used by Negi in the fight with Chao:


"Ēvocātiō Spīrituālis de Septendecim Valcyriīs Mortiferīs... "


"I summon 17 spirits of deadly Valkyries!..."

Chao's version

Latin "Ēvocātiō Spīrituālis de Ūndētrīgintā Salamandrīs Lanciferīs...!"

English " I summon 29 Spiritual Lance-Wielding Salamanders...!"

[edit] Fulguratio Albicans (White Lightning)

A powerful blast of electricity from the caster's palm. It is very powerful against living targets, but not as effective against objects.

Incantation in Latin:

"Unus Fulgor Concidens Noctem, In Mea Manu Ens Inimicum Edate"

Incantation in English:

"A stream of light to cut through the darkness, spring forth from my hand and throttle my enemy!"

[edit] Flagrantia Rubicans (Red Blaze)

A medium-level fireblast used by Mei. Note the final part of the spell is identical to that of the Fulguratio Albicans, marking it as the Fire-based version of Negi's spell. Another user of this spell is Chao Lingshen; she is shown unleashing this spell when she was fighting Negi in the "Battle of Mahora" arc.

Incantation in Latin

"Omne flammans flamma purgatus, domine extinctionis et signum regenerationis, in mea manu ens inimicum edeat"


" O fire of burning purification, Lord of destruction and the sign of rebirth! Residing in my hand throttle my foe!"

[edit] Jovis Tempestas Fulguriens (Jupiter's storm of thunder)

This is one of the most powerful long-range magic attacks. The caster combines Wind and Thunder magic and unleashes them at the enemy in a massive storm of destructive energy.


" veniant spīritūs āēriālēs fulgurientēs, cum fulgurātiōne flet tempestās austrīna. JOVIS TEMPESTĀS FULGURIĒNS."


" Come wind spirit's that hurl thunder, O thunder blow with the southern storm! JUPITER'S TEMPEST OF THUNDER!"

[edit] Nivas Tempestas Obscurans (Snowstorm of darkness)

A variation used by Evangeline, which utilizes water (Ice) and Dark Magic.

"veniant spīritūs glaciālēs obscūrantēs, cum obscūrātiōne flet tempestās nivālis. NIVIS TEMPESTĀS OBSCŪRĀNS."

" Come spirits of Ice and Darkness, O darkness blow with the snowstorm! SNOWSTORM OF DARKNESS!"

[edit] Malleus Aquilonis (Warhammer of the Ice God)

The caster gathers ambient water from the air and fuses it into a gigantic ball of ice, which is then dropped onto the target.

[edit] Διοε Τυκοσ (Axe of Lightning)

This is a medium-range, but powerful, Lightning-element attack that is invoked in Ancient Greek (pronounced Dios Tukos), as opposed to Latin. The caster makes a downward-sweeping motion and hits the target with a massive electrical attack. It is a favorite attack of Nagi Springfield, who would combine it with a lightning-charged Sagitta Magica-powered physical attack to help slow the target down and give him a bigger opening. Evangeline and Negi also use this spell.

'''Incantation''''' "Kenotētos Astrapsatō de Temetō! Dios Tukos!"

English' " Come from the void, Hurl down thy thunder and Cut forth! Ax of Lightning!!"

[edit] Flans Exarmatio (Blowing disarment)

This is one of the most-used spells in Negima, if by accident. The spell is supposed to disarm enemies with a strong wind, as an added effect, it may also turn the target's clothes into flower petals, giving an added touch of humiliation on top of disarmament, although it is possible for a mage to forego that effect. For some odd reason, Negi has a high probability of accidentally invoking this spell when he sneezes.

[edit] Frigerans Exarmatio (Freezing disarment)

This is Evangeline's ice-based variation of the spell. Freezes the clothes of the target and shatters them as if they had been sprayed with liquid nitrogen.

[edit] Flans Saltatio Pulverea (Blow forth dancing dust)

Causes a powerful wind to blow in the direction cast. First used by Negi to put out the fire spell cast by Chigusa Amagasaki when she kidnapped Konoka for the first time during the Kyoto Trip Arc. (Volume 4, Thirty-First & Thirty-Second Periods, Page 118)

"Flet une vente, Flans saltatio Pulverea!"

" Blow one gust of wind, Blow forth dancing dust!"

[edit] Flans Paries Venti Vertenis( Blow forth spiraling wall of wind)

Conjures a powerful tornado around the caster that lasts for several seconds. The inside of the whirlwind is calm, like the eye of a storm, but anything trying to pass through the barrier of wind will get blown away.

" vertātur tempestās vēris, nōbis prōtectiōnem aēriālem. FLĀNS PARIĒS VENTĪ VERTENTIS "

" O storm of spring turn, Bring an aerial protection upon us, Blow forth spiralling wall of wind!!

[edit] Infernus Scholacticus (School Hell)

Infernus Scholacticus is the name of a curse placed upon Evangeline by Nagi Springfield that weakens Evangeline's magic power and prevents her from leaving the Mahora campus, a spell normally used to force truants to attend school. The spell can usually be lifted by other mages but Nagi put so much energy into the spell that only Nagi himself would have that power required to cancel it out, but the headmaster was able to allow her to visit Kyoto briefly, since it was an official school activity, although this required the headmaster to stamp a permission form every 5 seconds for the entire duration of her stay there. There is an additional element to the curse in Evangeline's case restricts her magical abilities. This restriction is enforced by technological rather than magical means, and Chachamaru was able to lift the restriction temporarily during a blackout by hacking into the control system.

[edit] The End of The World (KOΣMIKH' KATAΣTPOΦH')

Incantation in Ancient Greek:

" To Shumbolion Diakonoto Moi Hei Krystaline Bashleia Evigenato Taionion Elebos Haionie Krystale Versais Zoice Ton Ison Tanaton Hos Ataksia Kozmike Katazrofe"

Incantation in English:

" Upon our pact, do my bidding, O Queen of Ice. Come forth from the never-ending darkness, the eternal glacier, bring death to all that hast life. You are the place of eternal rest: "The End of The World"

Description: A spell incanted by Evangeline to defeat the Demon-God Sukuna (Ryômen Sukuna no Kami) during the Kyoto arc. An Ice-based spell which is incanted in Ancient Greek and requires a massive amount of magical power to set the spell on effect as the spell's effect defies that of the law of Thermodynamics.

Effect: The target is first, made frozen when the phrase "Haionie Krystale" or "Eternal Glacier" is spoken, then the demobilized enemy would shatter to pieces of ice crystals when the part of the spell "Kozmike Katazrofe" or "The End of The World" is uttered. Evangeline would often leave out the final, and fatal portion of the spell for those pursuers who would've shown mercy on her.

[edit] Beginner's Incantation

Incantation in Latin:

"Practi-Bigi-Naru Ardescat"

Incantation in English:

There is no literal translation given in the English version.

Description: This is possibly one of the simplest of spells and is used as practice for novices. This is what Negi demonstrated to Nodoka, Yue, and Konoka in volume 8. Setsuna was already able to do this on one finger.

Effect: The spell causes a small flame to appear on the tip of the practice wand. Though the spell seems minor, making a flame appear from nothing (even in a vacuum) is considered substantial. The girls used this spell during the fight against Graf Wilhem Josef Von Herrmann, as the incantation was a focal point to escape from their water prison. Yue and Konoka were able to achieve this feat by the time of the Mahora Festival, (though it could also be due to the extra magical power being emitted by the World Tree). Nodoka has yet to show any proficiency with this spell.

[edit] Blazing Heat In The Sky (Ούραvία φλόγωσις)

Ούραvία φλόγωσις (read: Ouranos Flegomai) is a high-level spell casted by Chao Lingshen during her battle with Negi on the 3rd day of Mahorafest (Ch. 158). Initially, Chao was unable to use incantation magic until she decided to unseal her magic digitally and letting the magical energy flow into her when she was in disadvantage of having her Cassiopeia broken and her automatic defense system destroyed as well. The price for the process however, is very damaging and painful to her.

Description: The spell has a long verse and during the incantation, magical energy is charged. Once the incantation is finished, a massive firestorm is unleashed and burns everything on its path. Even when Negi had set his magical barrier to the strongest, he still receives damage from the blaze.


'''Greek''': "πδ: ευσ ντων πρ κα θεον, πφλεγον Σδομα, μαρτωλος, ες χον θαντου! Ορανα φλγωσις!"

"Rheusantōn Pur kai Theion, ha Epephlegon Sodoma, Hamartōlous, Eis Choun Thanatou! Ourania Phlogōsis!"

English: "Heed the contract and serve me, Tyrant of Flame. Come flame of purification, Fiery Broadsword, Fire and Brimstone surged forth. Sodom was burning (They) turned sinner into the dust of death, Blazing Heat In The Sky

[edit] Magic Vampirism

Of note is the fact that while Evangeline does not have any of the weaknesses of a vampire; she still makes use of vampirism to empower herself. Before being cursed, she wielded immense magical power, which was likely what prevented any aging. However, the curse placed upon her sealed most of that magic power away, leaving her extremely vulnerable. Judging by her physical weaknesses, it can probably be assumed that Evangeline's magical powers probably boosted her physical capabilities. However, upon losing them, her body, which was now more dependent on magic, became far more susceptible to disease than that of an ordinary human. In fact, it appears the only thing the remaining magic seems to do is prevent her from aging.

In an attempt to counter this, Evangeline has taken to many different techniques to boost her magical capabilities. The first is her use of catalysts that reduce the drain each spell cast has upon her. The second is vampirism, in which the magical power within the blood is consumed, rather than the blood itself. Thus, Evangeline can keep herself from becoming sick, and allow herself to use stronger magic by drinking the blood of someone with significant magic power. This can also explain why Evangeline is significantly healthier and capable of stronger magic later on in the series.

[edit] Magic Canceller

Magic Canceller is an ability that completely nullifies magic. Certain magic cast or used on a person with this ability has no effect. However, not all types of magic are nullified. Magic that harms the person is stopped, while magic that helps the person is not. It is unclear how one gets this ability, as is it rare. The only person known to have this ability is Asuna, which may have something to do with her and the Thousand Master, Nagi Springfield. In the anime storyline, she received the ability as the result of a pact with a demon. However, Chizuru was able to actually hurt Graf Wilhelm when she slapped him in volume 8, suggesting that she may have a similar ability.

Magical Canceller does not explain events, such as Asuna not being able to protect herself from Fate's magically produced monster. A possible explanation for this is that magical spells are stopped by magic neutralization but they do not stop physical attacks, so even if the attacker is a demon, monster or a person powered by magic any attack that is physical like punching, kicking or using a weapon will not be stopped.

Asuna's weapon is generally a harisen. When Asuna mentions it, a flustered Chamo says that on the card is written "Hamanotsurugi" (which means Demon Banishing Blade). Her ability to banish demons and onmyou monsters in one hit is due to her weapon, not her magic canceling abilities.

The use of love potions with Magic Canceller is not entirely understood. If another person drinks a love potion that causes anyone who sees them to be affected, a person with Magic Canceller would not be affected. However, if someone with Magic Canceller were to drink a love potion that causes them to fall in love with the first person they see, they will be affected. An example is in chapter 54 when Asuna accidentally ate a chocolate that contained such a love potion; fans were confused because Asuna was falling in love with Negi even though she had Magic Canceller. Likely, the potion bypassed cancellation through her eating of it, while the previous potion was an effect coming from the person who drank it.

Possible explanations have been offered for various seeming discrepancies. If Magic Canceller is a protective field that surrounds its source, it would ideally be able to hold out any foreign influence trying to enter said source. Also, the source might use it as an augment to physical attacks, allowing it to batter through magical fields, such as Asuna has been seen to do to Evangeline several times, kicking her despite the presence of Eva's defensive shield magic. Any influence working out from the inside, such as a love potion ingested or essence of a Magi absorbed through a kiss or exchange of blood, would not be affected however. Count Herrmann's ability to usurp Asuna's Magic Canceller-ability by placing a charm on her seems to indicate that this power has a radius of effect; any power that is already within the radius is apparently able to do its work unopposed. Alternatively, it is possible the Magic Canceller-field is only set to protect its source, not itself.

[edit] Pactio

Main article: Pactio (Negima)
Series: Negima!: Magister Negi Magi | Negima!?
Characters: Negi Springfield | Students 1–15 | Students 16–31 | Other characters
Other: Episode list | Magic | Items and artifacts | Music | Pactios | Shinmei-Ryū

[edit] External links

In other languages