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[edit] Maegereg

Maegereg (pronounced mayg-air-egg) lives in the United States. He prefers not to reveal his name, age or precise location. He enjoys reading (science fiction especially) and gaming as well as hiking and enjoying the outdoors.

[edit] Contributions

[edit] Articles Edited

Souls in the Great Machine The Miocene Arrow Eyes of the Calculor

[edit] Other Locations

I can also be found under the same name on the following websites:

[Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds Heaven] (and by extension the rest of Heavengames) [The Kingdom of Loathing] [The KoL Forums]

[edit] Userboxes

This user is currently trying to find all applicable userboxes. It may take a while.
This user is owned by one or more cats.
FREE This user supports Free Kenan.
This user runs Mac OS X.
Firefox This user contributes using Mozilla Firefox.