Madelyn Spaulding

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Madelyn Spaulding is a fictional character, one of the villains that the superhero Static encounters in Static Shock. In Attack of the Living Brain Puppets, Madelyn is an unsuccessful candidate for class president. When Madelyn is affected by the Big Bang gas, she gains the power to control and read minds (telepathy). Madelyn reads Richie Foley's mind and discovers that Static is really Virgil Hawkins. One night Madelyn enters Virgil's dreams to reveal that she knows his secret, that he is Static. At Dakota High School the next day, Madelyn confronts Static, and she is hospitalized.

In She-Back Madelyn is released from the hospital and gets a job at the comic book store. By this time she only remembers the encounter with Static at the school and has forgotten Static's secret identity. Madelyn then gains the new power to lift objects (telekinesis), she dons a multicolored outfit, and she releases Ebon, Talon, and Hot-Streak to gain assistance battling Static, Gear, and She-Bang. After Madelyn fights Ebon, she becomes the new leader of Ebon's gang. In the end, Madelyn is taken to prison along with Ebon, Talon, and Hot-Streak.