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A Macquarium is an aquarium made from the shell of an Apple Macintosh computer. The term was coined by computer writer Andy Ihnatko as a joke (a jibe at the outdatedness of the Macintosh 512K) but Macquaria have actually been built both by Ihnatko himself and by many of his fans, and some are even commercially available.
While originally designed around the Compact Macintosh-style shell, some enthusiasts have successfully adapted the translucent iMac case to form an iMacquarium.
Andy Ihnatko's original construction was called a "MacQuarium," however, both "MacQuarium" and "Macquarium" are acceptable forms and may be used interchangeably.
By 1995 the original Mac 512K was so outdated that turning it into an ornament was wholly appropriate. The Mac LC575 on the other hand was a recently released model of Mac which was, for the day, quite a capable machine shelled in a brand new odd looking all-in-one case. It was suggested that this also be used to make a modern Macquarium which was named the Macquarium '95 and offered to the public as the only thing with '95 in its name worth having.