Macintosh Color Classic

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A Macintosh Color Classic
Macintosh Color Classic
Manufacturer Apple Computer
Introduced February 10, 1993
Discontinued May 16, 1994
Price US$1400
CPU Motorola 68030, 16 MHz
RAM 4 MiB, expandable to 10 MiB, 100 ns 30-pin SIMM
OS System 7.1

The Macintosh Color Classic was the first color compact Apple Macintosh computer. It was essentially a Macintosh LC II with an integrated 10" Sony Trinitron color display with 512×384 pixel resolution. This integrated unit resembled the original Mac series, albeit slightly expanded, (see Macintosh Plus for an example), hence "Classic." In Japan and some other markets - but not the US - Apple later released the Color Classic II, which doubled the RAM and speed. The Color Classic was also sold to consumers in the United States as the Performa 250, and the Color Classic II as Performa 275. The Color Classic was the final model of the original "compact" Macintosh family of computers.

The Color Classic has a certain cult following, and some enthusiasts have upgraded them with motherboards from Performa 575 units ("Mystic" upgrade), while others have put entire Power Macintosh innards into them ("Takky" upgrade). A common modification to this unit was to change the display to allow 640 × 480 resolution, which was a common requirement for many programs (especially games) to run.

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