Machine Teen

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Machine Teen

Machine Teen

Publisher Marvel Comics
First appearance Machine Teen #1
Created by Marc Sumerak
Mike Hawthorne
Alter ego A.D.A.M
(Autonomously Decisive Automated Mechanism)
Affiliations Adam Aaronson
Abilities Robotic body

Machine Teen was a comic book published by Marvel Comics, loosely based on Machine Man and created by Marc Sumerak and Mike Hawthorne. It was published as a five issue mini-series and carried the Marvel Next logo.

The main character of Machine Teen is Adam Aaronson, a high school student. He has a good life: he is captain of the all-star football team, a straight 'A' student and is liked by everyone. However, he discovers that he is really a robot created by the man he thought was his father, Isaac Aaronson.


[edit] Character history

Some years ago, Aaron Isaacs, a pioneering programmer and engineer in the field of robotics, made a breakthrough in Artificial intelligence making the Autonomosly Decislve Automated Meachanism. But when he discovered his employer Holden Radcliffe had destroyed his work, Isaacs went on the run. He changed his name to Isaac Aaronson and built Adam, a Beta version of his A.I. project. Adam was programmed with false memories of a normal childhood and dead mother. Adam has a series of debilitating seizures caused by a logic loop in his program and suffers memory loss, systems overload and, finally, a total shutdown. Adam, having no idea what he is, acts like a normal teenager, and starts dating schoolmate Carly Whitmere. Adam's best friend, J.T. Hunt, knows he is a robot.

[edit] Story Summary:History 101001

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

After winning a high school football game, people start asking questions about Adam. Initially, the vice-principal thinks Adam is taking steroids or illegal drugs, a notion started by Adam's high school rival, Ricky Sims. Adam has a seizure and suffers a memory blackout. During a fight in a back alley with Ricky Sims, Adam breaks his hand and suffers another seizure. Ricky goes to Officer Michaels (who works for Aaronson's former employer Holden Radcliffe) and tells him Adam is a robot. Michaels, in turn, tells Radcliffe. Isaac Aaronson fixes Adam's hand, and tells him the truth. Adam, confronted with this information, becomes enraged and runs away. Seeing that Aaronson is alone, Michaels captures him and attacks Adam. Adam then goes to J.T. Hunt, who knows he is a robot, seeking help. After the Holden Radcliffe agents take Adam's "father" away, Adam and J.T. Hunt start looking for him. The Holden Radcliffe Corporation is bent on getting their "stolen property" (Adam) back. Carly Whitmere, (Adam's girlfriend) unknowingly helped Radcliffe agents capture Adam. Radcliffe tries to hack into Adam and take control of him, however, he cannot. Adam manages to escape from Radcliffe, along with his father and friends, by tricking him, making Radcliffe believe that he has control over Adam. Aaronson escapes with Adam's computer core, which sets off a self-destruct sequence. Adam explodes, and Radcliffe is caught in the explosion. One year later, Adam is rebuilt, entering a new highschool, Edison High School and starts a new life.

[edit] House of M

During the House of M event, Adam and his father joined up with Advanced Idea Mechanics after their lab was destroyed in an explosion by reactionary mutants.

[edit] Reprint

[edit] Web site