Ma'ale Amos

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Ma'ale Amos is a small Jewish settlement in the Judean Desert established in 1981. It is part of the Gush Etzion block of settlements. The settlement is haredi and around 45 families live there, with around 350 people in total. Ma'ale Amos is 20 km southeast of Jerusalem at an elevation of 725 meters above MSL.

The village has strong ties to the Diaspora Yeshiva on Mount Zion, Jerusalem with many of the residents comuting each day. Most of the residents including the Rabbi, Rabbi Kugel are immigrants to Israel from the USA.

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Gush Etzion Regional Council
Kibbutzim: Kfar Etzion | Migdal Oz | Rosh Tzurim
Communal settlements: Alon Shvut | Bat Ayin | Gvaot | Elazar | Har Gilo | Carmei Tzur | Kedar | Kfar Eldad | Ma'ale Amos | Metzad | Neve Daniel | Nokdim (El David) | Tekoa
Outposts: Ibei Hanachal | Ma'ale Rehav'am | Pnei Kedem

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