M107 Self-Propelled Gun

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M107 in Yad la-Shiryon museum, Israel.
M107 in Yad la-Shiryon museum, Israel.
M107, side view.
M107, side view.

The M107 175mm self-propelled gun was part of a family of self-propelled artillery that also included the M110, both essentially the same vehicle with different barrels. The gun is mounted atop an open tracked body which makes it highly maneuverable due to its lighter weight but extremely vulnerable to attack due to the lack of armor.

The M107's combat experience with the US military was almost entirely limited to the Vietnam War. There it proved its effectiveness by having one of the longest ranges of any fielded mobile artillery piece in the war, able to launch a 67 kg projectile nearly 30 km. This range advantage along with the ability to rapidly retreat from its last position made it an effective weapon for harassing the enemy and providing effective counter-battery fire. The M107 was also frequently used by Israel in the various Arab-Israeli conflicts.

The M107 required a crew of thirteen to field, fire and maneuvere the cannon. While an extremely large vehicle it had a top speed of 56 km/h, making it nearly as fast as some main battle tanks of the same era.

The M107 was retired from the US Army in the late 1970's but it continues to see use in many foreign armies around the world.

[edit] General characteristics

  • Type: 175mm self-propelled Gun
  • Length: 6.46 m (overall length - 11.30 m)
  • Height: 3.47 m
  • Width: 3.15 m
  • Ground clearance: 0.44 m
  • Weight (combat): 28.3 ton
  • Crew: 13 (vehicle capacity 5)
  • Vehicle Range: 725 km
  • Max. Speed: 56 km/h
  • Fording: 1 m
  • Vertical Obstacle: 1 m
  • Gap Crossing: 2.3 m
  • Engine: GM, SV-71T, 450 hp/ 2300 r.p.m.
  • Armament: 1 x 175mm M113 Gun
  • Rate of fire: rapid - 1 shell per 1 min, regular - 1 shell per 2 min.
  • Maximum range: 32.8 km
  • Elevation range: 0+65 deg.
  • Azimuth range: +/- 30deg.

[edit] External links

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