Möbius strip

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A Möbius strip made with a piece of paper and tape.
A Möbius strip made with a piece of paper and tape.

The Möbius strip or Möbius band (pronounced [ˈmøbiʊs]) is a surface with only one side and only one boundary component. It has the mathematical property of being non-orientable. It is also a ruled surface. It was discovered independently by the German mathematicians August Ferdinand Möbius and Johann Benedict Listing in 1858.

A model can easily be created by taking a paper strip and giving it a half-twist, and then merging the ends of the strip together to form a single strip. In Euclidean space there are in fact two types of Möbius strips depending on the direction of the half-twist: clockwise and counterclockwise. The Möbius strip is therefore chiral, which is to say that it is "handed".


[edit] Properties

The Möbius strip has several curious properties.

A Möbius strip can be made by joining the ends of a strip of paper with a single half-twist. A line drawn starting from the seam down the middle will meet back at the seam but at the "other side". If continued the line will meet the starting point and will be double the length of the original strip of paper. This single contiguous curve demonstrates that the Möbius strip has only one boundary.

If the strip is cut along the above line, instead of getting two separate strips, it becomes one long strip with two full twists in it, which is not a Möbius strip. This happens because the original strip only has one edge which is twice as long as the original strip of paper. Cutting creates a second independent edge, half of which was on each side of the knife or scissors. Cutting this new, longer, strip down the middle creates two strips wound around each other.

Alternatively, cutting along a Möbius strip about a third of the way in from the edge, creates two strips: One is a thinner Möbius strip - it is the center third of the original strip. The other is a long strip with two full twists in it - this is a neighborhood of the edge of the original strip.

Other interesting combinations of strips can be obtained by making Möbius strips with two or more half-twists in them instead of one. For example, a strip with three half-twists, when divided lengthwise, becomes a strip tied in a trefoil knot. Cutting a Möbius strip, giving it extra twists, and reconnecting the ends produces unexpected figures called paradromic rings.

[edit] Geometry and topology

A parametric plot of a Möbius strip
A parametric plot of a Möbius strip
To turn a rectangle into a Möbius strip, join the edges labelled A so that the directions of the arrows match.
To turn a rectangle into a Möbius strip, join the edges labelled A so that the directions of the arrows match.

One way to represent the Möbius strip as a subset of R3 is using the parametrization:


where 0\leq u < 2\pi and -1\leq v\leq 1. This creates a Möbius strip of width 1 whose center circle has radius 1, lies in the x-y plane and is centered at (0,0,0). The parameter u runs around the strip while v moves from one edge to the other.

In cylindrical polar coordinates (r,θ,z), an unbounded version of the Möbius strip can be represented by the equation:


Topologically, the Möbius strip can be defined as the square [0,1] × [0,1] with its top and bottom sides identified by the relation (x,0) ~ (1-x,1) for 0 ≤ x ≤ 1, as in the diagram on the right.

The Möbius strip is a two-dimensional compact manifold (i.e. a surface) with boundary. It is a standard example of a surface which is not orientable. The Möbius strip is also a standard example used to illustrate the mathematical concept of a fiber bundle. Specifically, it is a nontrivial bundle over the circle S1 with a fiber the unit interval, I = [0,1]. Looking only at the edge of the Möbius strip gives a nontrivial two point (or Z2) bundle over S1.

[edit] Practical Applications

One of the most notable uses are for belt driven systems, where it provides for even wear.

In physics/electro-technology:

as compact resonator with the resonant frequency with half of identically constructed linear coils (IEEE of Trans. Microwave Theory and Tech., volume. 48, No. 12, pp. 2465-2471, Dec. 2000).
as inductionless resistance (US patent 3.267.406).
as superconductors with high transition temperature (Raul Perez Enriquez A Structural parameter for High Tc Superconductivity from at Octahedral Moebius Strip in RBaCuO: 123 type of perovskite Rev Mex Fis v.48 supplement 1, 2002, p.262)

In chemistry/nano-technology:

as “knot molecules” with special characteristics (Knotane [2], Chiralität)
as molecular engines (Angew Chem Int OD English one 2005 February 25; 44 (10): 1456-77).
as Graphene volume (nano-graphite) with new electronic characteristics, like helical magnetism (arXiv: cond-mat/0309636 v1 Physica E 26 February 2006)

[edit] Möbius Strip in Nature

Charged particles, which were caught in the magnetic field of the earth, can move on a Möbiusband (IEEE Transactions on plasma Science, volume. 30, No. 1, February 2002)

The cyclic protein Kalata B1, active substance of the plant Oldenlandia. O. affinis, as nature cures e.g. for the birth introduction, has a Möbius topology

[edit] Sudanese Möbius Band

Topologically, the boundary of a Möbius strip is a circle. Under the usual embeddings of the strip in Euclidean space, as above, this boundary is not round. It is a common misconception that a Möbius strip cannot be embedded in three-dimensions so that the boundary is a round circle. In fact this is possible and the resulting figure is called the Sudanese Möbius Band.

To see this, first consider such an embedding into the 3-sphere S3 regarded as a subset of R4. A parametrization for this embedding is given by

z_1 = \sin\eta\,e^{i\phi}
z_2 = \cos\eta\,e^{i\phi/2}.

Here we have used complex notation and regarded R4 as C2. The parameter η runs from 0 to π and φ runs from 0 to . Since | z1 | 2 + | z2 | 2 = 1 the embedded surface lies entirely on S3. The boundary of the strip is given by | z2 | = 1 (corresponding to η = 0,π), which is clearly a circle on the 3-sphere.

To obtain an embedding of the Möbius strip in R3 one maps S3 to R3 via a stereographic projection. The projection point can be any point on S3 which does not lie on the embedded Möbius strip (this rules out all the usual projection points). Stereographic projections map circles to circles and will preserve the circular boundary of the strip. The result is a smooth embedding of the Möbius strip into R3 with a circular boundary and no self-intersections.

[edit] Related objects

A closely related 'strange' geometrical object is the Klein bottle. A Klein bottle can be produced by gluing two Möbius strips together along their edges; this cannot be done in ordinary three-dimensional Euclidean space without creating self-intersections.

Another closely related manifold is the real projective plane. If a circular disk is cut out of the real projective plane, what is left is a Möbius strip. Going in the other direction, if one glues a disk to a Möbius strip by identifying their boundaries, the result is the projective plane. In order to visualize this, it is helpful to deform the Möbius strip so that its boundary is an ordinary circle (see above). The projective plane, like the Klein bottle, cannot be embedded in three-dimensions without self-intersections.

In terms of identifications of the sides of a square, as given above: the real projective plane is made by gluing the remaining two sides with 'consistent' orientation (arrows making an anti-clockwise loop); and the Klein bottle is made the other way.

In graph theory, the Möbius ladder is a cubic graph closely related to the Möbius strip.

The international symbol for recycling is a Möbius loop.
The international symbol for recycling is a Möbius loop.

[edit] Art and technology

The Möbius strip has provided inspiration both for sculptures and for graphical art. The artist M. C. Escher was especially fond of it and based several of his lithographs on it. One famous example, Möbius Strip II, features ants crawling around the surface of a Möbius strip. It is also a recurrent feature in science fiction stories, such as Arthur C. Clarke's The Wall of Darkness. Science fiction stories sometimes suggest that our universe might be some kind of generalised Möbius strip. In the short story "A Subway Named Möbius", by A.J. Deutsch, the Boston subway authority builds a new line, but the system becomes so tangled that it turns into a Möbius strip, and trains start to disappear. The Möbius strip also features prominently in Brian Lumley's Necroscope series of novels.

A popular limerick is often associated with this design which reads,

"A mathematician confided
That a Möbius band is one-sided,
And you'll get quite a laugh,
If you cut one in half,
For it stays in one piece when divided"

There have been technical applications. Giant Möbius strips have been used as conveyor belts that last longer because the entire surface area of the belt gets the same amount of wear, and as continuous-loop recording tapes (to double the playing time). Möbius strips are common in the manufacture of fabric computer printer and typewriter ribbons, as they allow the ribbon to be twice as wide as the printhead whilst using both half-edges evenly.

In "A. Botts and the Möbius Strip", a short story by William Hazlett Upson first published in 1945 in the Saturday Evening Post, the protagonist secretly restitches a conveyor belt to form a Möbius strip to frustrate a superior's attempt to "paint the outside, but not the inside" of the belt as a safety measure.

A device called a Möbius resistor is an electronic circuit element which has the property of cancelling its own inductive reactance. Nikola Tesla patented similar technology in the early 1900s: U.S. Patent 512,340  "Coil for Electro Magnets" was intended for use with his system of global transmission of electricity without wires.

Möbius is the title of a Stargate Episode involving time travel where the alternative timelines shown wrap around like a möbius strip. It is also used in the Playstation 2 game Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies as the name of the fictional fighter squadron the player belongs to. Its emblem is a royal blue and black mobius crisscrossed by a white fighter aircraft and its engine trails. [1]

Delaney Bramlett, one half of the classic rock band Delaney and Bonnie, recorded a solo album in 1973 entitled Mobius Strip.

Magic: the Gathering has an artifact card, titled Bösium Strip, an obvious reference to the Möbius strip.[2]

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  • Clifford A. Pickover (March 2006). The Möbius Strip : Dr. August Möbius's Marvelous Band in Mathematics, Games, Literature, Art, Technology, and Cosmology. Thunder's Mouth Press. ISBN 1560258268. 
  • Rainer Herges: Möbius, E, brook - the infinite volume in art and science. In: scientific ones round-look 6/58/2005. Scientific publishing house company, P. 301-310, ISSN 0028-1050

[edit] External links