Lyserg Diethel

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Lyserg with spirit, known as Morphine in the Japanese versions, Morphea in the English manga, and Chloe in the English anime.
Lyserg with spirit, known as Morphine in the Japanese versions, Morphea in the English manga, and Chloe in the English anime.

Lyserg Diethel is a fictional character from the anime and manga series Shaman King.


[edit] About Lyserg

The main antagonist Hao Asakura (Zeke Asakura in the English Dub) killed his parents while he was young and since then he has sought out revenge on Hao born 1985.

Lyserg is also a dowser; A dowser is a person who is able to find people or persons using his special abilities. Lyserg uses his Crystal Pendulum for dowsing and even for spirit control.

At first, he joins with Yoh Asakura and the others, but later joins the X-Laws, a group dedicated to destroying Hao until he is dead. When Lyserg joins them he is unsure about the ways the X-Laws try to eliminate Hao. Though Lyserg holds great hatred for Hao, Yoh's own philosophies and personalities keep him from crossing the line. In the anime Lyserg abandons his spirit morphine for an angel spirit called Zeruel but in the manga they are inseperatable.

[edit] Spirits

His power spirit is known as Morphine in the original Japanese version, Chloe in the English anime, and Morphea in the English manga. Morphea is the spirit that has been passed down from generation to generation of the Diethel family. It is known that she is the spirit of a poppy flower, which to Lyserg, is like Horohoro's spirit, a spirit of the Earth. When Lyserg was six he was given a test for his dowsing skills. He had to find the key to a cage. Inside the cage was Morphea. In order for Morphea to be Lyserg's spirit, he had to unlock her from the cage. Although the task of finding the key was difficult, he managed to find it within Big Ben, the famous English clock.

Lyserg's second spirit is Zeruel or Zelel. Zeruel is a mechanical archangel that runs on the Angel Engine. The Archangels were modeled after sports cars, Zeruel being a Lotus Elise. Zeruel was given to Lyserg from Marco. One day, Marco began wondering where Lyserg's loyalities lyed and decided it was time for his new weapon. Marco entrusted him with Zeruel wanting him to deliver justice with him. Lyserg's first use with this spirit was when he saved HoroHoro from Hao's allies.

Lyserg's third spirit is one of the Patch's spirits. Hao went with the group to the hot springs and ditched Spirit of Fire. Lyserg then received it.

[edit] Manga

Due to the fact the anime ended a lot earlier than the manga, different things happen. For example, order of events changed and locations of manga fights change. Yoh and the others fight a vampire in a theatre in the anime but in the manga Yoh and the others fight a vampire in a tourist attraction.

Also, scenes, battles, and techinques involving Lyserg are cut out from the Anime due to either production time or financial cost. One battle cut out involves the little brother of a man whom Jeanne killed during the Shaman Fight. Probably the most notable aspect of the differences is with the X-laws. In the anime, Lyserg abandons his original spirit in favor of the more powerful angel.

In the manga, Lyserg never abandoned his spirit, instead he fused Morphine and Zeruel together to form his armor oversoul, Mastema Dolkeia (Flame of Hostility). Like the others, Lyserg was also one of the 5 warriors chosen by Sati. He went through hell training which in turn, gave him the power necessary for conquering Hao. In a last meeting with him, Hao ditched Spirit of Fire were Lyserg received it. He was called the cleverest of the 5 warriors by Pascal Avaf and is the second strongest among the 5.

Lyserg is shown pushing the Iron Maiden (with wheels on it) with the group and eventually finds out Marco was shot by Luchist. He mourns his loss, but is reminded that they have no time to be grieve. Opacho then comes up from behind to comfort him. Lyserg keeps Marco's glasses in his honor.

In the Plant of the Valley, Lyserg faces the next priest, Bron (who was his mentor in the preliminary rounds), finding out that both of them had gotten stronger since they last fought. Lyserg begins losing his temper a bit and begins to strike. However, he was unable to hit him and was shot in the chest. Bron goes to finish off the others, but they are protected by Iron Maiden Jeanne. She points out that she feels sad and is about to kill Bron who is still coming after them when Lyserg suddenly regains consciousness and stops Bron's attack using his hand. He later faces Jeanne saying,"Please don't. You should not waste your precious furyoku, Lady Maiden," Yoh and the others assumed he was dead, but Lyserg explained that Marco's glasses were bulletproof and that they kept him safe from the blow.

With Bron's anger rising, Lyserg began examining him and thinking about when he could attack.

The fight then ends with Lyserg explaining how mind over body works and him performing a move called "Cremation."

Lyserg appears in Funbari No Uta as one of the five warrior cameos. Lyserg is 21 and seems to have physically changed. He has gotten noticeably taller, no longer wears his patched shawl, and sports a detective trench coat.

His family== Lyserg's father (Liam Diethel) is a shamanic detective much like Sherlock Holmes.His spirit was Chloe (Morphine) and his focus (medium) was the pendulum. Both items were handed down to his son, Lyserg. Lyserg's mother (Jean Diethel) has little known history. Both were killed by the antagonist Hao Asakura.

[edit] Trivia

His name is a drug reference to lysergic acid diethylamide. The name of his spirit, Morphine, is obviously a drug reference as well, and, thus, is changed to Chloe and Morphea for the English anime and manga, respectively.

Shaman King
Over Soul (Spirit Control)| Giant Over Soul (Giant Spirit Control) |Techniques of Shaman King
Asakura Family:Yoh Asakura | Anna Kyōyama | Kino Asakura | Yohmei Asakura | Hana Asakura | Yohken Asakura
Allies/Teammates: Horohoro (Trey Racer) | Manta Oyamada (Morty) | Chocolove McDaniel (Joco) | Faust VIII | "Wooden Sword" Ryu (Rio) | Tamao Tamamura (Tamara)
Spirits: Amidamaru | Bason | Lee Bailong | Tokagero
Native American Shamans: Silva | Kalim
Tao Family: Tao Jun (Jun) | Tao Ren (Len) | Tao Yúan (En)
X-Laws: Iron Maiden Jeanne | Lyserg Diethel | Marco
Enemies: Hao Asakura (Zeke) | The Hanagumi | Opacho
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