Lyn Buchanan

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Remote viewing
Remote viewing
Stargate Project

Ingo Swann
Hal Puthoff
Pat Price
Russell Targ
Joseph McMoneagle
Kevin Hicks
Ed Dames
Courtney Brown
Lyn Buchanan


Lyn Buchanan was a Sergeant in the United States Army brought into the Fort Meade remote viewing unit run by Major General Albert Stubblebine.


[edit] Skills and expertise

Buchanan came to the attention of General Stubblebine for two main reasons: his apparent natural psychic abilities and his expertise in computer software. This made him well qualified to be the data base manager for the Stargate Project, a remote viewing project run by the Department of Defense from the 1970s to 1990s. From this vantage point, Lyn had the opportunity to work with all the key members of the unit, and, in possession of statistical analysis of the session data, was able to properly assess the accuracy of the session data obtained.

[edit] Methodological approach

Buchanan has become well known for bringing database analysis to controlled remote viewing (CRV) work. Accepting that error is part of CRV, Buchanan has shown that the work of practitioners can be profiled, results collated, and work analyzed in a statistical manner. Targets can therefore be allocated in a methodological manner, to a viewer who is statistically likely to deliver good results, based upon detailed analysis of previous session data.

[edit] Problems, Solutions, Innovations

After leaving the forces, Buchanan founded the company Problems, Solutions, Innovations, contracted former Stargate remote viewer Mel Riley to work for his company, and continues to undertake private tuition. He recently released a book describing his experiences as a psychic spy for the American military.

[edit] Assigned witness program

Buchanan also runs the Assigned Witness Program, which endeavors to help locate missing persons, and provide a variety of not for profit services to law enforcement agencies.

[edit] Remote influencing

Buchanan is one of the few ex-military psychics willing to talk about RI openly, in his book The Seventh Sense: The Secrets of Remote Viewing as Told by a "Psychic Spy" for the U.S. Military. He claims to have made Saddam Hussein so ill, he was not seen or able to give orders for a period of two weeks, and to have influenced the way Mikhail Gorbachev expressed himself about the reform of Communism.

That the decisions of a world leader could in any way be influenced in this untraceable fashion has potentially worrying consequences. It is easy to imagine circumstances, if such an ability were possible, in which a smaller and less powerful nation might use RI to gain an advantage over a larger nation. For example, if the leader of a larger militarily more powerful nation in conflict with a smaller group or nation formed a small policy-making group removed from the normal policy-making apparatus, this could be interpreted as a possible sign of RI psychics at work.

Buchanan has also described an attempt to determine the function of a factory in Russia. The researchers involved were unable to probe the mind of the director, but they did purportedly detect that he wished to be a hero to his son. Buchanan claimed to have influenced the director during his dream state to provide his son with a guided tour of the factory, thus finally acquiring the information needed.

As a civilian Buchanan undertook an RI test project for Dr. Mann of the Cornell Medical Center in New York, involving 12 high blood pressure patients over a period of four weeks. As Dr. Mann attached blood pressure testing equipment, Buchanan, who was physically removed from the location, would flip a coin to determine if he would influence that particular patient or not. In this way, the doctor was "blind" to which patients would be influenced. After 4 weeks, patients’ records were correlated to the times of "influencing".

On average influencing caused blood pressure to fall by over 25 points. However, blood pressure tended to resume normal chronic levels as patients returned to their daily lives. The end conclusion of the study was that CRI could be used in an emergency situation, but did not offer a cure for high blood pressure.

In interviews, Buchanan has put forward the following general guidelines for the practise of RI. Counter-visualisation may be an effective defensive strategy to RI, because it creates a bi-directional mental join between the RI psychic and target, whereby the psychic ends up absorbing his or her own negative energies, and thereby damaging him- or herself.

  • 1. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
  • 2. Do NOT do unto others as you would not have them do unto you.
  • 3. Do NOT mentally join with someone you want to heal. You could get sick.
  • 4. Do NOT mentally join with someone you want to hurt. You could hurt yourself.

As a result of these experiences Buchanan has warned against the use of RI, because of the harm it can cause to those who practice it. His conclusion is that it is possible, but it is not something one should aspire to perform. The concept of karma is a relevant general background as to why most people are active in RI only for relatively short time periods.

One of the first things you learn when you take this field on in a serious, no-nonsense manner is that, in a very real way, you actually are contacting the "collective consciousness". You quickly learn that any harm you do to others must be done through the collective, and therefore, since you are a part of it, you end up harming yourself, as well. In other words, "What goes around really does come around." And in this field, it can come around very quickly. Your subconscious mind learns in very short order that hurting others is not what is best for you.

[edit] Past lives

The Seventh Sense also describes sessions on the journey of souls after death. Buchanan describes a variety of outcomes for souls after the termination of physical existence:

  • A reunion with deceased loved ones.
  • Merging with the Light, an all-encompassing, blinding energy that could be said to be God or a higher dimension.
  • A void, dark, without color, substance, or any familiar shape or form, that could be said to be hell.
  • Reincarnation, often with a brief break of a decade or more between lives. Modern-day souls might also reincarnate into a past period such as the 1920s or the 1800s.

[edit] Scientific Research

Joined by theoretical physicist Dr. Fred Alan Wolf, Buchanan is also a supporter of the scientific research on remote viewing done by Dr. Courtney Brown, writing that "it is very refreshing to see the subject of remote viewing treated like science instead of seance." [1].

[edit] References

  • Schnabel, Jim, Remote Viewers: The Secret History of America's Psychic Spies, Dell, 1997, ISBN 0-440-22306-7 The best history of the project; nonskeptical.
  • Buchanan, Lyn, The Seventh Sense: The Secrets Of Remote Viewing As Told By A "Psychic Spy" For The U.S. Military, ISBN 0-7434-6268-8

[edit] External links