Lviv Polytechnic

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Lviv Polytechnic National University in Lviv, Ukraine
Lviv Polytechnic National University in Lviv, Ukraine

Lviv Polytechnic National University (Ukrainian: Національний університет Львівська політехніка, Russian: Национальный Львовский Политехнический Университет, Polish: Politechnika Lwowska) is the biggest scientific university in Lviv. Since its foundation in 1844 it was one of the most important centres of science and technolgical development in Central Europe.


[edit] History

Technical Academy was opened in Lviv. Its first director was Florian Schindler. It was situated at the corner of Virmenska and Theatralna streets in the building of Darovsky.

Lviv's center was shelled by the Austrian artillery, during which the building of the Technical Academy was destroyed by the fire. Lectures was replaced in Town Municipality building (3-rd floor) and continued there till 1850.

The beginning of studies in the newly-restored building.

The number of students at the Technical Academy made up 220 people.

The beginning of the Academy reorganization.

The Ministry of Affairs of Religions and Education gave permission to teach chemical technologies.

Felix Stshelecki was elected as the first Rector.

Academy obtained permission to build new academic premises. Yu. Zakharievych was elected as the construction superintendent.

The first telephone conversation on the territory of the Austro-Hungarian empire took place. Telephone line connected the Assembly Hall of the Main Building with the primises of the Department of Technical Chemistry.

Inauguration of the new Rector - Professor Yu. Zakharievych.

Technical Academy was renamed a Polytechnical School.

Emperor Frantz-Jozeph visited the Polytechnical School. During that visit he ordered J. Mateiko to depict the technical progress of mankind in 11 pictures. Now these pictures decorate the Assembly Hall.

The 50th jubilee of the Polytechnical School. To commemorate that date professor V. Zayonchkovsky published the book "The imperial Polytechnical School in Lviv. Historical essay on its foundation and development as well as its present state".

Polytechnic School Statute was adopted.

Lviv Polytechnical School possessed the second place in the number of students after Viena.

Unification of Agricultural Academy (Dubliany) and Higher School of Forestry (Lviv) with Politechnical School.

Adoption of the New Statute and renaming the Polytechnical School to Lviv Polytechnic.

Council of the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry of Polytechnic conferred academic rank of Honorary Doctor to professor Nils Handson (Stockholm, Sweden).

Construction of the building of the Library on Professor Street 1 was finished.

Lviv Polytechnic was renamed to Lviv Polytechnical Institute.

On Vuletsky Hills fascists shot professors of the Polytechnic Institute - V. Krukovsky, A. Lomnytsky, S. Pilyat, V. Stozhek, K. Vaihel, R. Vitkevych and others.

Professor Kazimierz Bartel was murdered in the basements of Gestapo headquarters.

Special three-month courses for electrical engineers, road and bridge civil engineers, agrarian engineers, etc. were working in the premises, of the present Mechanical Technology Department.

The 100th jubilee of Lviv Polytechnical Institute was celebrated very quietly in Lviv - the Second World War was still going on.

Geodetic Department was founded.

  • Since October 1946

Lviv Polytechnical Institute began to publish the periodical newspaper Lviv Polytechnic.

Radioengineering Department was founded.

Automation, Electronmechnical and Mechanical Technology Departments was founded.

Economical Engineering Department was founded.

Department of Technology of Organic Substances was founded.

The second building of the Library was erected.

Heating Engineering Department was founded.

Democratic Changes began at Polytechnical Institute

Inauguration of the first democratically elected Rector for the last 50 years - Yu. Rudavsky.

Computer Engineering Department and Information Technology Department was founded.

Institute of Humanities was founded on the basis of the following chairs: History of Ukraine, its Science and Technology Ukrainian Language Politology Philosophy Foreign Languages (English, German, French, Spanish, Russian, Japanese)

Department of Applied Mathematics was founded.

Lviv Polytechnical Institute got the status of university: State University "Lvivska Polytechnica".

"Lvivska Polytechnica" got the status of National University.

[edit] Notable alumni

[edit] Notable professors

[edit] Other

[edit] References