Lunar Dynasty

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Lunar Dynasty

In Hindu society, the Kshatriya Varna is divided into two principal houses, one claiming descent from the Sun (Surya) and the other from the Moon (Soma). This former is the Surya-vanshi (Solar Dynasty) while the latter is the Chandra-vanshi or Soma-vanshi (Lunar Dynasty). Legend says that these two are the main dynasties of ancient Kshatriyas.While the first dynasty was Sun Dynasty second was Lunar Dynasty.Soma was the first King of lunar dynasty.According to Puranic legend the Kings in this dynasty were:

1.Soma - He was son of Atri (father) and (Bhadra) mother.Once he kidnapped "Tara" the wife of Brihaspati and did not return her despite requests of the Devas.Upon which a war known as Devasur Sangram ensued.Som returned Tara after it but he got a son from Tara the name of which was Budha.

2.Budha - was the second king of this dynasty.He married the daughter of Suryavanshi Manu.His wife's name was "Ila".Budh is also addressed as "Rajputra".




6.Yayati- This was an important king of this dynasty.His eldest son was Yadu.Yadu was ancestar of Yadavs.According to Harivamsa Krishna was born in the dynasty of Yadu.He was therefore known as Yadav.

7.Puru 8.Janmejaya 9.Prachinvan 10.Praveer 11.Manusth 12.Abhayad 13.Sundhawa 14.Bahugavi 15.Sanyati 16.Ahyati 17.Rodrashwa 18.Richeyu 19.Matinar 20.Sumati and 21.Ilin were the kings.

22.Dushyanta- was a famous king and married Shakuntala.Kalidasa wrote great epic Abhijnan Shakuntalam on the life of this king.

23.Bharata- was son of Dushyant and Shakuntala and India was named "Bharata" after him.After Bharata 24.Bhumanyu 25.Vrihatkshatra 26.Suhotra.27.Hasti 28.Ajmeedh 29.Riksha 30.Sanwaran were the kings of this dynasty.

31.Kuru - was another famous king of this dynasty.He found Kurukshetra. After Kuru the order of succeeding kings is not even in Vishnu Purana,Bramha Purana, Bhagwata and Mahabharata.Names of some of the kings are 32.Abhishyantu 33.Parikshit 34.Janmejaya 35.Surath 36.Vidurath 37.Riksh II 38.Bhimsen and 39.Prateep.

40.Shantanu was a famous king and married firstly "Ganga" and secondely "Satyavati".According the condition of marriage of Satyawati her son Vichitravirya became the next king.

41.Vichitravirya 42.Bhishma (Regent) 43.Pandu 44.Dhritrashtra 45.Yudhishthira 46.Parikshit 47.Janamejaya were the kings after it.The history of thease kings is found in great epic Mahabharata.

According to Vishnu Purana48.Shatanik I 49.Sahastranik 50.Ashwameghdutta 51.Adhiseemkrishna 52.Nichakshu 53.Ushna 54.Chitrarath 55.Shuchidratha 56.Vrisnivan 57.Susena 58.Suneeth 59.Ruch 60.Nrachakshu 61.Sukhibal 62.Pariplav 63.Sunay 64.Meghawi 65.Nripanjay 66.Durva 67.Tigmatma 68.Vrihdrith 69.Vasudat 70.Shatanik II 71.Udayan.72.Vahinar 73.Dandpani.74.Niranibh.75.Kshemak were another kings of this dynasty. Shatanik II is considered to be contemporary of Goutam Buddha.

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Vishnu Purana