Lumen Christi Catholic High School

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Lumen Christi Catholic High School
Lumen Christi Catholic High School

Lumen Christi Catholic High School is a private Roman Catholic high school located just outside the city of Jackson, Michigan in Summit Township, Jackson County, Michigan, in the United States. It was created in 1968 from the merger of St. Mary's and St. John's Catholic High Schools. The school currently has an enrolment of approximately 640 students in grades 9-12.


[edit] Background

Lumen Christi Catholic High School was opened in 1968 as a result of the Catholic Community of Jackson's determination to build a modern educational high school that would serve the varied educational needs of all the Catholic youth of Jackson. The project was spearheaded by the Rev. Joseph Coyle, OSFS, who also served as the first principal of the school.

This school is under the over-all direction of the Bishop of Lansing through the Diocesan Board of Education. It is supported and maintained by the nine Catholic parishes of Jackson: St. Joseph, St John's, St. Stanislaus, St. Mary's, Our Lady of Fatima, Queen of the Miraculous Medal, St. Rita, St. Catherine, and St. John's, Albion.

Lumen Christi Catholic High School ranks among the finest Catholic central high schools in the state of Michigan. The total area of the school encompasses 155,000 square feet. The educational concept of the interior presents a departmentalized system with practical flexibility to meet new and changing educational demands. Vital to the education of its students is a comprehensive resource center and a library with a seating capacity of 265. The 180 foot domed gymnasium seats 3,000 people for varsity athletic and community events. The cafetorium (combined cafeteria and auditorium), with complete kitchen facilities, accommodates 500 for dining and approximately 800 for assemblies or other social functions.

The athletic teams are known as the Titans and are members of the Capital Area Activities Conference for all sports but football, and the Southwestern Michigan Athletic Conference for football.

[edit] Mission Statement

Lumen Christi Catholic High School believes that Catholic education is an expression of the mission entrusted by Jesus to the Church He founded. Through education, the Church seeks to transform its members and all of society to a wholesome and holy life. We at Lumen Christi believe that the intelligent person is one who has learned to choose wisely according to Gospel values, and thus lives in the Light of Christ.

The essence of the Catholic education presented at Lumen Christi brings about these character-enhancing qualities. Our mission is to cultivate the whole person: spiritually, mentally, physically, socially, and psychologically. Such a Catholic education helps each individual develop an understanding of his/her responsibilities to himself/herself, to his/her family, and to the larger community.

The test of our fulfillment of this mission is the person that is formed. We are very proud of the many men and women who have been influenced by Lumen Christi and our system of education. We know that the atmosphere we create can be a benefit for all of life.

[edit] Academics

[edit] Fine Arts

The Art curriculum at Lumen Christi Catholic High School is designed to provide that kind of training of hand, eye, mind and spirit which will enlighten and promote the creative process in the works of students who pursue the courses offered. The Art of earlier times, as well as that of the recent time, is studied so that the process which makes human acts meaningful, in the light of all human effort, is understood and appreciated.

The training is not aimed at a short cut, do-it-yourself knowledge. It is aimed, rather, at the development of all the resources that must come into play in creative activity: subjective thinking and intuition. Art, in this sense, becomes a means enabling the student to project their individuality and personality in a way that influences others.

A mind that understands the unity of design, the correctness of harmony, the flow of rhythm, the fitness of proportion, the saneness of balance, and the importance of emphasis can do nothing but make its life a design so vital it is an actual, living masterpiece.

[edit] Foreign Language

We, the members of the Foreign Language Department of Lumen Christi Catholic High School, believe that the task of the teacher and the school is a sacred trust conveyed to us by parents and families.

We are called by God to bear witness; to influence our students for good by living the Gospel message ourselves, to respect and understand the natural stages of students' growth toward maturity, to enhance each student's sense of dignity and worth, to bring professional competency and a high standard to our teaching. We believe that along with the obvious skills taught in a foreign language class, we are sent by Christ: to help the students acquire the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and moral values needed to promote justice and peace in society, to broaden students' understanding of and respect for diverse cultures, customs and beliefs, to foster an attitude of caring for all in our global society, and to develop effective means of communication and cooperation with people from different ethnic backgrounds. We accept our mission as teachers and make every effort to fulfill it.

The study of language, history, and the cultural heritage of society helps to develop an appreciation and understanding of others. In addition, the study of foreign literature deepens the aesthetic values of students and enhances the level of their own cultural development. Language study may begin in Latin, French, Spanish, or German (which may be continued at Jackson High School). It is suggested that students wishing a major or minor in language, choose one (1) of the following sequences:

  • 3-year major in Grades 10, 11, 12
  • 4-year major in Grades 9, 10, 11, 12
  • 2-year minor in Grades 9, 10; possibly followed by another language in Grades 11, 12
  • 2-year minor in Grades 11, 12

Prerequisite for all first-year language students:

  • Reading and English ability must be up to grade level
  • Previous grades in Reading/English must be at least a "C"

Language Lab

The lab offers our teachers and students alike alternative teaching and learning opportunities for all languages taught here at Lumen Christi. With a recent upgrade, the Language Lab now includes new computers and networking so that we can continue to meet expectations for excellence in our Foreign Language Department.

[edit] Language Arts

The language experience lies at the core of the educational process which our school is dedicated to fostering. It is the basic skill necessary for success in any class, in any discipline. Therefore, this department sees itself as primarily involved in the transmission of the basic language skills of reading, writing, speaking, and thinking. While the literary contents of the courses mentioned below may vary widely from semester to semester, every course will include a combination of the following: writing assignments, novels, short stories, poems, oral reports and speeches, logic and rhetoric. The grammar of the English language cannot be ignored and will be discussed at every level as an adjunct to the skills which it promotes. Thus, the primary duty of the literature in a course is to provide a format for discussion of the language/thinking skills it best emphasizes.

Every student in the Language Arts program must be exposed to as many literary types as is possible in his/her four years of instruction within the framework of our "skills approach". We offer courses whose content ranges from the most ancient to the most contemporary of literary masterpieces. While no student is able to attend every course, it is our hope that his/her academic career will cover the full spectrum of literature.

In addition, we state plainly our opposition to the suppression of ideas so frequently seen in education today. No knowledge is evil in itself and thus, realizing as we do that the origin of all learning is in the Holy Spirit, it is the goal of every class in the department to demonstrate the Gospel's message. While we refuse to hide from controversy behind censorship, we choose to examine these problems in the divine light of Jesus Christ; to use the principles of Christian morality and a right conscience in order to solve the riddles posed by our world society in its writings.

We, as a department, see as our mission to structure and enhance the languaging ability of the youths in our charge. This great strength, when fully developed, will permit them to verbalize to others as well as themselves their Christian experience as it is reflected in their classroom literary experience. Once beyond our guidance they must go forth to preach and teach the good news of their greatest teacher, Jesus. We see ourselves as instrumental in this evangelical mission and sharers in its glory.

English Requirements

All students are expected to schedule four years of English as part of their general education. Since Lumen Christi Catholic High School is a comprehensive high school, preparing students for life as well as for college, some classes in English are designed to meet the needs of those students who are not college bound, but who need the knowledge and skill that a study of English will give to them in whatever occupation they may choose. Courses are offered also for the college bound students to provide the background necessary for success in college.

The speech requirement for sophomores will be incorporated in the world literature curriculum as a two semester course. The student will give two individual speeches and one group presentation each semester. This will expose students to public speaking situations enabling them to develop confidence in speaking easily and naturally. All juniors must complete two semesters of American Literature. All seniors must complete two semesters of British Literature.

During the four years, introduction to various types of literature is provided. Since reading is a skill which is important both in school and after graduation, the reading of one novel each semester is encouraged in every class at all levels.

Since writing, too, is a skill which is important in school and after graduation from high school, composition is an important part of each class in English. In our multi-media, electronic age with its complex and changing society, more people are needed who can write and who can order and communicate information and experience. Therefore, all classes in English must give students experience with the writing process so that they will be equipped to produce whatever forms of writing their lives may demand.

A writing syllabus runs concurrently with each literature content course. It is taught by each teacher as part of the course. The areas are divided by grade level in school:

  • 9th Grade: The sentence as a functional element of composition
  • 10th Grade: The paragraph as a functional element of composition
  • 11th Grade: The argumentative/literary essay
  • 12th Grade: The literary research paper first semester

This is a graduation requirement for all seniors

[edit] Mathematics

Mathematics is man's greatest creation for the investigation of our world and the universe. It is more than a symbolic language or a method of deductive thinking. It is a body of ideas that aids the engineer and the philosopher, the artist and the social scientist. It is the science that describes ideas as different as the sound of a musical instrument to the path of a planet spinning in space.

The Mathematics Department of Lumen Christi Catholic High School tries to impart to the students not only the content of the mathematics courses but also enable them to pursue the beauty of mathematics. The content of the mathematics courses will cover the times tables to linear equations, geometric curves to trigonometric identities, simple interest on a car loan to integral calculus.

To function successfully in the modern world, students must master basic skills and concepts. In addition to teaching such skills, the teacher will, hopefully, engender a respect for accuracy and precision. Some students approach mathematics with dread. Helping such students is probably the biggest challenge of the department. The teacher will try to foster a positive attitude toward mathematics and try to meet individual differences.

With today's changing society and technological advances, the Mathematics Department takes seriously the responsibility of preparing students for the future and is continually incorporating technology into our courses. We will use new software that encourages the students to explore and make conjectures. Graphing calculators are commonplace in our classrooms. However, our students will not be allowed to be dependent upon them. The students need to understand the concepts and then use calculators as an aid to accomplish their goals and to perform more difficult, time-consuming calculations. The teacher will use technology to enhance the class and encourage the student to do more individual discovery.

The student who does well in mathematics must be challenged in the classroom; the teacher must dare him to excel at deductive and abstract reasoning. A student who continues in mathematics and science should appreciate God's design at work in the universe and His hand in the beauty and symmetry of nature. As a part of a Catholic institution, the Mathematics Department feels that one of its goals is to help students see the light of Christ.

[edit] Physical Education

The Physical Education Department at Lumen Christi Catholic High School believes in a life-long interest in physical fitness. We want students to enjoy physical activity, while learning the Christian values exercised by teamwork and good sportsmanship. Our goal is to provide the activities, skills and methods that students can use now, and after high school, to stay healthy.

[edit] Practical Arts

The Practical Arts Department at Lumen Christi Catholic High School strives to help each student reach his/her potential in the subject or subjects he/she is studying with us, as well as assisting him/her in reaching optimum character and personal development. Through our approach to our discipline and our own example, we strive to instill moral and ethical values which are in keeping with those taught in the Gospel and which will enable the students to live within the modern world.

Introductory Statement for all Business Courses

Business Courses are for students preparing for college and technical schools, as well as for students who are entering the work force after graduation. As college preparatory courses, they will:

  • Provide the necessary skills and knowledge for further study in the business management, accounting, office management and computer applications fields
  • Provide the knowledge necessary for professionals to manage their offices profitably and efficiently
  • Provide the skills and knowledge necessary for part-time and summer office employment while in college
  • Provide the keyboarding skills necessary for the typing of term papers/reports
  • Provide the computer skills necessary for success in college
  • Give the student the ability to approach business problems logically and analytically
  • Enable the student to formulate a system of business ethics and morality

As preparation for employment immediately after high school graduation, business courses will:

  • Enable the student to obtain an entry-level position in the business or computer application fields
  • Provide the necessary keyboarding skills for computer work
  • Provide the computer skills necessary for success in business
  • Give the student the ability to approach business problems logically and analytically
  • Enable the student to develop those character traits, habits, and attitudes valued by employers
  • Enable the student to formulate a system of business ethics and morality

[edit] Science

As teachers of high school Science, we are called to develop and strengthen, by the application of scientific principles, our student's capacity for rational judgement about everyday events. By giving the students a basic knowledge of their living and physical world, we promote a sense of awe and respect for the world which God has created for them. As we teach our students the logical sequences that lead to understanding and guide them to integrate science knowledge and Christian values, we hope to encourage them to become active, intelligent, and successful participants in their school, community, and occupations.

To study Science is to enter into a particular way of approaching reality. Science today should be more than just interesting; it is extremely important to have scientific knowledge in our technological age to enable us to make moral decisions.

Students in Science are introduced to the investigative processes of both the Life and Physical Sciences. Through laboratory activities, the students relate the subject matter to experimentation. There are many opportunities to become involved in the intellectual processes of inductive reasoning and the application of mathematics, particularly in the Physical Sciences. At least four credits in Science are required for all students at Lumen Christi, and those students preparing for college are encouraged to pursue additional course work in the advanced Sciences.

[edit] Social Studies

The Social Studies Department of Lumen Christi Catholic High School is governed by a well-rounded philosophy. It emphasizes the responsibility of each student to relate to God's whole creation and to understand their human situation in the context of today's world. All students, through required and elective courses, shall have the opportunity to strengthen their Social Studies background in such a way that they shall be able to apply their skills on a practical level and, at the same time, grow in self-knowledge and self-acceptance. The global perspective that the students gain today will enable them to better face the questions of their world tomorrow.

[edit] Theology

The members of the Theology Department of Lumen Christi Catholic High School, in accepting their corporate vocation to the educational ministry of the Church, have thus formulated their statement of the mission.

We, the members of the Theology Department, are called to participate through our educational ministry in the mission Jesus gave the Church. This call requires that we model our beliefs in God and the spirit of the Scriptures and respond to Jesus Christ's message of faith and love, His challenge to form a community enlivened by the Gospel Spirit, and His command to love and serve the Christian community and the entire human community.

Therefore, we are called to model, offer leadership, and support the formation of Christian community at Lumen Christi Catholic High School -- a community in which people can belong and share, in which they can freely love and be loved, in which they can develop their unique gifts and through which they can cooperate in the transformation of society in justice and peace. We are called to provide leadership and support to enable the Christian community to become more of a reality.

Each student, therefore, will be able to deepen the call of faith through catechesis, to make a commitment to the Church as a community and institution, to participate in celebration of the commitment in sacraments, to develop social awareness, and finally, to perceive the relationship of this commitment to one's legitimate desire for self-fulfillment and satisfying relationships.

Christian Service: Required for all Students

The Bishop's Document on Education: "To Teach as Jesus Did," calls for a threefold purpose for Christian Education: to teach doctrine, to build community, to serve. In order to teach the necessity of service as part of our commitment as Christians, all students at Lumen Christi will be required to perform Christian Service each year during the first semester and apart from regular school hours.

In order for the students to be exposed to a variety of Christian Service experiences, the following are required for all grades. Students of Lumen Christi Catholic High School are asked to select service projects which are geared to their own gifts and talents. Each student is expected to perform a minimum of 15 hours of service. The service is to be performed freely, accepting no gratuity. It could be a service to ones' neighborhood, school or local community. Work performed in the context of the family home (babysitting for siblings, yard chores, household chores, etc.) may not be counted toward one's service requirement. Service projects must be pre-approved by the student's religion teacher.

The program will be administered through the Theology Department..

[edit] T.R.I.P

Lumen Christi Catholic High School's Tuition Reduction Incentive Program (TRIP) is an exciting opportunity to accumulate credit toward tuition costs. Since you already shop at many participating merchants, doesn't it make sense to enroll in TRIP and reduce your tuition cost at the same time? Families who use TRIP can potentially reduce their tuition by hundreds of dollars each year.

Through TRIP, gift certificates from grocery stores, restaurants and many other businesses are purchased at a discount. The certificates are then sold to participating families at face value, with the discount passed on in the form of a tuition credit.

Anyone can participate in TRIP and help reduce a family's tuition! Grandparents, aunts, uncles, church members and friends can enroll in TRIP and designate their credits to go to a specific family's tuition account. Or, they can designate their credits to go to the Lumen Christi TRIP Scholarship fund, which assists many families.

Families who are planning to eventually enroll their children at Lumen Christi can also participate in TRIP by "banking" their credits. Their TRIP credits will be held until their child begins their freshmen year at Lumen Christi.

Now Available: a variety of certificates to purchase and take with you - beginning at 7:30 am on Thursdays. Pick up Beaner's/Roly Poly, Buddy's, Bone Island/Key Largo, Elder Beerman, JC Penney, Kohls, Marco's Pizza, Marino's Pizza, Polly's, Speedway, Subway and Wendy's.

Reminder: All TRIP orders must be received in the Development Office by 9 am on Thursday to be picked up the following Thursday beginning at 7:30 am.

Ask about the Meijer Community Rewards and Kroger Reloadable gift card.

The TRIP program runs year round. The schedule may vary over Christmas and Easter Holiday. The forms to register for TRIP are in the Development Office. If you have any questions contact Jane Sykes at 787-5080.

[edit] Fight Song

We are the more than mighty Titans,
The team of Lumen Christi High
We can run and we can throw
give us the ball and just look at us go.
Come on let's hear it for the Titans.
Give a cheer that the whole team can hear.
So wave your Green and Gold
Lumen's colors bright and bold
Mighty Titans. FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!

Just look at the way we show
we've got the spirit YEAH!
Just look at the way
our team commands the ball.
We carry it with pride in mighty Titan stride.
We're up the hill and down the hill
just watch our victims fall.
There's never a team can terrorize the Titans.
We thunder and we plunder as we go.
We will not cower. We've got power,

Famous Alumni

Alumni include former LPGA golfer Elaine Crosby and 5-time Michigan Amateur golf champion Steve Maddalena.

[edit] External links