Luizianne Lins

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Luizianne Lins (born November 18, 1968), nicknamed Lôra (which stands for "Blondie"), is the mayor of Fortaleza, the fourth largest city in Brazil. She is Fortaleza's first female mayor. She was born there, and lives with Sérgio Novais, who she has children with.

She is affiliated with the Workers' Party, and since 1989 she has been a socialist and a feminist. She graduated with a degree in journalism from the Federal University of Ceará.

In 2004 she was surprisingly elected as mayor of Fortaleza. The leadership of the Worker's Party backed the PCdoB candidate, because of its national strategy. Nevertheless, she managed to go to the second round and then defeated Moroni Torgan from Party of the Liberal Front.

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