Luiseño language

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Spoken in: USA 
Region: Southern California
Total speakers: 30–40
Language family: Uto-Aztecan
 Northern Uto-Aztecan
Language codes
ISO 639-1: none
ISO 639-2: lui
ISO 639-3: lui

The Luiseño language is an Uto-Aztecan language of California spoken by the Luiseño, a Native American people who at the time of the first contacts with the Spanish in the 16th century inhabited the coastal area of southern California, ranging 50 miles from the southern part of Los Angeles County, California, to the northern part of San Diego County, California, and inland 30 miles. The people are called "Luiseño" due to their proximity to the Mission San Luis Rey de Francia.

The language is highly endangered, but there is an active language revitalization project assisted by linguists from the University of California, Riverside. A related language spoken by the Juaneño people is extinct.


[edit] Phonology

[edit] Vowels

Luiseño has five vowel phonemes.

Front Central Back
Close i   u
Mid e   o
Open   a  

[edit] Variants

For some native speakers recorded in The Sparkman Grammar of Luiseño, the allophones [ə] and [ɨ] are free variants of [e] and [i] respectively. However, other speakers do not use these variants. Sparkman records fewer than 25 Luiseño words with either [ə] or [ɨ]. For one of these words (ixíla “a cough”) the pronunciations [əxɨla] and [ɨxɨla] are both recorded.

Unstressed [u] freely varies with [o]. Likewise, unstressed [i] and [e] are free variants.

[edit] Vowel syncope

Vowels are often syncopated when attaching certain affixes, notably the possessive prefixes no- “my”, cham- “our”, etc. Hence polóv “good”, but o-plovi “your goodness”; kichum “houses” (nominative case), but kichmi “houses” (accusative case).

[edit] Vowel length

Luiseño distinguishes vowel length quantitatively. Luiseño vowels have three lengths.

  • Short: The basic vowel length. In writing, this is the standard value of a given vowel, e.g. <a>.
  • Long: The vowel is held twice as long but with no change in quality. In writing, a long vowel is often indicated by doubling it, e.g. <aa>.
  • Overlong: The vowel is held three times as long but with no change in quality. In writing, an overlong vowel is indicated by tripling it, e.g. <aaa>.

Overlong vowels are rare in Luiseño, typically reserved for absolutes, such as interjections, e.g. aaashisha, roughly “haha!” (more accurately an exclamation of praise, joy or laughter).

[edit] Accent

A stress accent regularly falls on the first syllable of a word. In Luiseño, stress is fixed and is not contrastive.

Many orthographies mark irregular stress with an acute accent on the stressed syllable’s vowel, e.g. chilúy “speak Spanish”. In these systems, irregularly stressed long vowels either carry a written accent on both vowels or the first vowel only, e.g. koyóówut or koyóowut “whale”. Also, stress is not visually represented when it falls on the first syllable, e.g. hiicha “what”.

Another convention is to mark stress by underlining accented vowels, e.g. koyoowut “whale”.

As a rule, the possessive prefixes are unstressed. The accent remains on the first syllable of the root word, e.g. nokaamay “my son” and never nokaamay. One rare exception is the word -ha “alone” (< po- “his/her/its” + ha “self”), whose invariable prefix and fixed accent suggests that it is now considered a single lexical item (compare noha “myself”, poha “him/herself”, etc.).

[edit] Consonants

Luiseño has a fairly rich consonant inventory.

Luiseño consonant phonemes
  Bilabial Inter-
Dental Alveolar Palatal Velar Uvular Glottal
Stop voiceless p   t     k q ʔ
voiced b   d     g¹  
Fricative voiceless f¹   ʃ² x   h
voiced v ð            
Affricate         ʧ ²      
Nasal m   n     ŋ    
Lateral     l          
Trill     r          
Approximant w       j      
  • ¹/f/ and /g/ are found only in borrowed words, principally from Spanish and English.
  • ²Both /ʃ/ and /ʧ/ are found in word initial position. However, only [ʧ] occurs intervocalically, and only [ʃ] is found preconsonantally and at word final position. Examples of these allophones in complementary distribution abound, such as ya’ásh “man” (nominative) and ya’áchi “man” (accusative).

[edit] Orthography

[edit] Spelling systems

Along with an extensive oral tradition, Luiseño has a written tradition that stretches back to the Spanish settlement of San Diego. Pablo Tac (1822-1841), a native Luiseño speaker and a convert to Roman Catholicism, was the first to develop an orthography for his native language. His orthography leaned heavily on Spanish, which he learned in his youth.

Although Luiseño has no standard orthography, a commonly accepted spelling is implemented in reservation classrooms and college campuses in San Diego where the language is taught. The various orthographies that have been used for writing the language show influences from Spanish, English and the IPA.

Notable Luiseño spelling correspondences
IPA Pablo Tac (1830s) Sparkman (1900) Modern
(Long vowel, e.g. //) ii ii
/ʧ/ č ch
/ʃ/ š sh
/q/ q q
/ʔ/ ' ʔ '
/x/ j x x
/ð/   δ th / ð
/ŋ/ ŋ ng / ñ
/j/ y y y

[edit] Sample Texts

The Lord's Prayer (or the Our Father) in Luiseño, as recorded in The Sparkman Grammar of Luiseño:

Cham-na’ tuupaña aaukat cham-cha oi ohó’vanma. Toshño om chaami. Loví’i om hish mimchapun ivá’ ooxñ tuupaña axáninuk. Ovi om chaamik cham-naachaxoni choun teméti. Maaxaxan-up om chaamik hish aláxwichi chaam-lo’xai ivianáninuk chaam-cha maaxaxma pomóomi chaami hish pom-lo’xai aláxwichi. Tuusho kamíí’i chaami chaam-lo’xai hish hichakati. Kwavcho om chaami.

Our-father / sky-in / being / we / you / believe / always. Command / you / us. Do / you / anything / whatever / here / earth-on / sky-in / as. Give / you / us-to / our-food / every / day. Pardon / you / us-to / anything / bad / our-doing / this as /we / pardon / them / us / anything / their-doing / bad. Not / allow / us / our-doing / anything / wicked. Care / you / us.

[edit] References

  • Chung, Sandra (1974). Remarks on Pablo Tac's La lingua degli Indi Luiseños. International Journal of American Linguistics 40(4):292-307.
  • Hyde, Villiana Calac, and Eric Elliot (1994). Yumáyk Yumáyk: Long Ago. University of California Press.
  • Kroeber, A. L., and George William Grace (1960). The Sparkman Grammar of Luiseño. Berkeley: The University of California at Berkeley.
  • Tagliavini, Carlo (1926). La lingua degli Indi Luisenos. Bologna: Cooperativa Tipografica Azzoguidi.

[edit] External links

[edit] See also


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