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Lugians are a fictional race of gray giants from the MMORPG Asheron's Call. The Lugians are 6–14 feet (2–2.6 (6-8.5 ft) m) tall and prefer cold climates. The two divisions of Lugians are the Gotrok (which is a pun) and Lugians. The main difference is that the Gotrok are called rebels and are more warlike. Lugians in Dereth have a city, Linvak Tukal, in the central Linvak mountains which are at the southern part of Dereth. In Asheron's Call 2, Lugians become a playable race of brutes that prefer melee over magic, along with swordsmanship and boulder chucking. Their capitol city is Linvak Tukal, which is located eponymously in the Linvak Range (later Linvak Massif, Post-Devestation).