Ludwig von Sybel

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Ludwig von Sybel (1846-1929) was a German archaeologist, born at Marburg, son of Heinrich von Sybel. He studied at Göttingen and Bonn and became professor of archaeology at the University of Marburg in 1877 and rector there in 1906. His publications include:

  • Ueber Schliemanns Troja (1875)
  • Die Mythologie der Ilias (1877)
  • Katalog der Skulpturen zu Athen (1881)
  • Kritik des ägyptischen Ornaments (1883)
  • Weltgeschichte der Kunst im Altertum (second edition, 1903)
  • Christliche Antike (I. Einleitendes, Katakomben, 1906; II. Skulptur, Architectur, 1909)

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