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Lucien86 - 1986 was the year I discovered my first 'big' invention, <REWRITE> the fact that someone else had already invented it (Laithwaite) and that it didn't work, and that it broke the laws of energy were all irrelevant. I had already been obsessed with machines and invention since I was a small child - and (surprisingly!) science fiction. Oh, my obsession is "non-trivial" - I was particularly into space and spacecraft (both real and fantasy), and computers, and robots, cars, electronics, computers - all the usual things. My early hero’s I’m afraid include the Nazi rocket scientists, people like Von-Braun. Although the Nazi’s were politically questionable and did some very bad things they were also the most pro-science political group of the 20th century, and an incredible number of Nazi inventions are still in use today. Even Israel uses delta wing fighters and guided missiles both largely Nazi technologies. Other heroic inventors include Tesla, Edison, and people like Parsons, Brunel and Barns Wallace, and of course the wonderful Alan Turing, and George Boole the real father of computing.

Lucien - Dr Lucien was a genetic scientist in the Japanese manga "Dirty Pair" who indirectly created the Dirty Pair aka Lovely Angels, I just liked the name. Ok I sometimes think the world should 'sometimes' live by a little of the Angels philosophy. J () (Lucien also wears dark glasses).

Real name : Robert Lucien Howe. Title  : Scientist, Developer, and Researcher. Primary Field (s) : Strong AI, computing science, physics. Company  : Tech One - Machine Intelligence. DOB  : 08:15 9 Dec 1969 UK. Contact  : 10 Bridge Street, Haltwhistle, Northumberland, UK.


- Pro-democracy - Pro freedom of speech - Anti brainwashing and propaganda - Anti religion (religious obsequience and true freedom are mutually exclusive) - Anti Communist (the ‘system’ brainwashing, slavery, human farming part) - Pro Communist (the justice and equality part, the libertine part, the ‘no‘ government part) - Anti imperialist (except maybe for Europe) - Anti EU (because it is too unwieldy to function as a proper democracy) - Slightly Pro royal (would you rather have fuhrer Blair as El Presidente Del UK) - Deep Green (there is an old term for those who think that a little recycling makes you green, the only real solution is a complete reorganisation of society) - Technocrat (I believe we should aim for a technocracy utopia)

Particular Loathes

Islam - There are plenty of muslims who are good people but sadly the essence of being a good human is unfortunately very similar to being a bad muslim - things like - tolerance, mercy, forgiveness, humour, love, alcohol. (orig. written a day after yet another atrocity.) Christianity - the churches greatest crimes make the Nazi final solution look like a children’s tea party in comparison. There are good christians but sometimes they seem like the exception. Which would you rather have AIDS or Christianity?

The PC fascist - today’s PC fascist might hate racism against selected races, or smoking, or drugs, or fat people, or the unfashionable, or being rude, but they are still as much a Fascist as any old Nazi Brown Shirt from the 1920's or 30’s - its how they behave not what they believe. - prime example Blair.

The PC 'Anti'-racist (fascist) - to me all races should be treated equally but my experience of 'anti'-racism is that it is anything but. My general experience of anti-racism is that someone white being racist to someone black is wrong but that someone black being racist to someone white seems to be quite acceptable. My opinion now is that almost everyone is racist to someone. -Even those people who are "totally colour-blind" to race are often racist to one race, their own!!. My opinion is that all races are basically equal - but that only means that most people are equally stupid. Black and brown people can be just as smug stupid vicious greedy brutal ugly arrogant thieving and vicious as white.

Lies - this is my biggest hate of all, and I’m not talking about small lies like Bill Clinton's affairs. However understanding something of the truth I have decided to keep quiet because I don’t want to go on a ‘Kennedy boat trip‘ at the moment, a long walk off a short pier etc. (after all I'm a hypocrite to because sometimes I lie, and I would never really tell you my biggest hate. Anyone who doesn’t admit that must be a liar)

The ‘Police' - obviously not the everyday 'little' police who protect us from crime, but rather those dedicated to the opposite in the name of the state. Burglary, assassination, genocide, selling drugs, telling lies, terrorism - on the beat.

CND etc. - more mindless hate mongers, hate for progress, hate for science, hate for truth, hate for the technological. Most people don’t understand that CND actually played a big part in the encroachment on our civil rights, or how, or why.

Particular Loves

Rockets - in fact all space stuff

Proper Sci-fi Blake’s 7, Dr Who, Star Wars, Star Trek and other truly classic sci-fi TV. As for books there are about 1,000 but in my top list would be Ann McCaffery’s Pern books, C.J. Chrryh's Cyteen, Isaac Asimov’s robot books and foundation series, EE Doc Smiths books like The Skylark, HG Wells The Time Machine or The Island of Dr Moreau, Ray Bradbury’s The Golden Apples of The Sun, many of Michael Moorcock’s books like The Runestaff series, and many of L. Ron Hubbard’s books like Battlefield Earth (a vastly underrated book) I would also include Steven King and Clive Barker, plus Dan Simmons and Tim Powers and Ian Banks. There are many others.

Science - the search for truth, by far the most important endeavour in human society. If only the world was run by scientists it would be a far better place. (Note : Thatcher was not a ‘scientist’ despite claims to the opposite. : Note politicians LIE.!!)

Science and inventing - because I have an IQ of 140 I find trivial pastimes like watching sports mostly just too - trivial, I need something more. Besides inventing is the most profitable occupation ever, the big project I have been working for about 15 years has an ultimate final value that could be over $1 trillion per year -win that on the lottery.

Hyperspace - hyperspace is not just science fiction, in fact it is one of the most powerful concepts in science, and one that needs to be brought back into fashion - once you understand hyperspace the errors within General Relativity become laughable. The Emperor truly has no clothes. Sadly the real hyperspace is the opposite of the sci-fi one, not only does it still basically ban ftl travel, it also stops tricks like wormholes or dimensional travel because it makes them all 'impossible'.

Rock music - from Green Day and The Pogues, to Nirvana,, NIN, Placebo, Marilyn Manson or the Cure, I love Soft Cell, and Depeche Mode, and the Eurythmics. And weird old punk like Hazel O’Connor, or Fun Boy Three or That Petrol Emotion. I am a huge Adam Ant fan, and of Talking Heads, and REM, and the Sugar Cubes, and yes The Beatles (and a lot of 60‘s music). Let us not forget Blondie or Kim Wild, Mettallica, or the Dead Kennedy’s. I am a true music head. Fav newish bands - The Kaiser Chiefs, Franz Ferdinand, Razorlight.

(This document is - only half finished)

(This document is)

A Work in Progress, (Eternally, A Work in Progress) --Lucien86 19:05, 14 February 2006 (UTC) updated Lucien86 06:03, 10 June 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Second superposition First, Hat

As magician YES magician. I follow the path of Leviathan (which includes the path of science) so I guess this makes me a Satanist or at least Pagan [quizzical]. So how can a scientist choose Satan? well my natural philosophy is atheism, but unfortunately I delved a bit to far and asked questions that formal science pretends aren’t there. I learned many ugly things, and realised that the world just doesn't follow all the rules, in the end empirical logic just seems to come down on the side of 'magic'. Therefore atheism becomes illogical at least for a while, in fact almost impossible. In fact the only logic is to assume that magic is real - and that was back in 1996. Today I have a half completed empirical proof of magic but am not sure I will ever be able or bothered to publish it.***

The real problem for science though is physics, once you put all the pieces together (Relativity, quantum, causality, time) the inescapable conclusion is that 'magic' is impossible to avoid. Even evolution can be used to argue the case - strongly. (in 5 pages) Ok the reality of magic is that quantum foam + Relativity = tachyons, tachyons = temporal indeterminacy, and temporal indeterminacy + Relativity = magic.

      • *** Anyway I can't publish it here because it would be <HORROR> "original research", some of us just seem to have far to much of that. Of course I am even more inventive as magician than as scientist, I'm gona’ write a big big book. Heh Heh Heh.

Lucien86 11:35, 1 February 2007 (UTC) (Update 12th Feb 07)