Lucre Island

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Lucre Island is the first new island featured in Escape from Monkey Island and apparently the largest urban-centre in the Tri-Island Area. Lucre is home to the 2nd Bank of Lucre (there is no 1st bank in order to promote experience in the field) and several smaller businesses such as a Bait Shoppe, a Cane Shop and a Prosthesis shop. Ozzie Mandrill owns a mansion on the island. It is also home to Pegnose Pete, a "no-nosed" pirate and a minor villain in the game. Pete hides in a swamp, in which the only way to traverse it correctly is to follow the hands of a clock, otherwise you are put in a random area of the swamp.

Guybrush and his crew come to Lucre in order to meet with Elaine's family-lawyers in order to place a restraining order on the demolition crew that has been hired to bring down the Governor's Mansion on Mêlée Island.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

At the law-offices Guybrush receives a letter from Horatio Torquemada Marley which reveals that he left some wedding-gifts at the Lucre Island bank and that they also contain the secret to assembling a Voodoo artifact known as the Ultimate Insult. Pegnose Pete frames Guybrush for bankrobbery and in order for the player to leave the island he must clear his name and retrieve the Marley's Chest which Pete stole.

[edit] Trivia

  • Dominic Armato, the voice actor of Guybrush, also voiced the duck on Lucre.
  • Each time Guybrush comes in to the bait shop he gives some comment about the incredible stench.
  • The bait shop has a bell on its door, however, since the door opens to the outside it basically serves no purpose.
  • If Guybrush sits down on the bench near the Bait Shop he will utter a Forrest Gump joke.
  • While searching for Pegnose Pete's hideout in the Mists of Time Marsh, the player meets himself in a time travel puzzle. At one point Guybrush proves that the other Guybrush is really him by asking "If you're really me, then what number am I thinking of right now?" One of the possible answers is 69 which is uttered in an idiotic tone. This is a clear reference to the comedy Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure. Another reference to this movie can be found at the police station. If the player looks at the iron maiden in the corner Guybrush will yell, "Iron Maiden! Excellent!" which is a straight quote from the movie. Afterwards, he says "...I have no idea why I just said that."
  • When Guybrush meets his future/past self in the swamp, it is possible to shoot him. However, when he ends up on the other side of the encounter and gets shot, this causes him to be sucked into a time vortex that takes him back to when he first entered the swamp.
  • Also, Luke Skywalker's X-wing can be found stuck in the swamp, just as Luke got stuck in the swamp on Dagobah in The Empire Strikes Back.
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