Lucius Volusius Saturninus

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Lucius Volusius Saturninus (38 BC - 56 AD) was a renowned Ancient Roman statesman, a son of Lucius Volusius Saturninus, suffect consul of 12 AD, and Nonia Polla. Saturninus had a sister, Volusia, and was married to Cornelia. His two sons were Lucius Volusius Saturninus, who became a pontifex, and Quintus Volusius Saturninus, a consul of 56 AD. Along with his sons, Saturninus run the columbarium on Via Appia.[1] He had a stainless reputation, a huge but legally made fortune, and was in good graces of all of the emperors. Saturninus died at age 93. To honor him, the Senate under the sponsorship of Nero ordered a state funeral and the erection of a number of statues of him in major temples, theaters and civic buildings throughout Rome. The statues included a bronze one in the Forum of Augustus, two marble statues in the temple of the Deified Augustus, one consular statue in the temple of the Deified Iulius, another on the Palatium intra Tripylum, a third in the forecourt of Apollo in sight of the curia, a statue as Augur, an equestrian statue and a statue on a curule chair sitting near the theatrum Pompeianum.

Rank Date
Augur Before 3 AD
Suffect consul[2] 3
Proconsul of Asia Minor[3] 9 - 10
Augustalis, Titius[4] 14 - 56
Legatus pro praetore, probably of Illyricum[5] 14 - 15
Legatus pro praetore of Dalmatia[6] 34 - 50
Prefect of Rome[7] ca. 42 - 56
Preceded by
Publius Cornelius Lentulus Scipio and Titus Quinctius Crispinus Valerianus
Suffect consul of the Roman Empire with Publius Silius
Succeeded by
Gnaeus Sentius Saturninus and Gaius Clodius Licinus

[edit] References

  1. ^ Susan Treggiari. Family Life among the Staff of the Volusii. Transactions of the American Philological Association (1974-), vol. 105, 1975 (1975)
  2. ^ Fast. Cap., Inscr.It. XIII 1, p. 60 f.; Fast. Gab., ebd. p. 258; Fast. Arv., ebd. p. 298; CIL III 2974; X 824; XV 571
  3. ^ IGR IV 429
  4. ^ CIL III 2975
  5. ^ CIL III 2975
  6. ^ CIL III 2882, 2974—2976, 9872, 12794
  7. ^ Plin. NH VII 12

[edit] External links