Lucio Massari

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Lucio Massari (22 January 1569- 3 November 1633) was an Italian painter of the School of Bologna.

He was born in Bologna, where he initially apprenticed with the Mannerist painter Bartolomeo Passarotti, but also worked with Bartolomeo Cesi. In 1592, he joined the Carracci studio or the Academy of the Incamminati. In 1604, he worked with Ludovico Carracci to fresco the cloister of San Michele in Bosco. In 1607, he collaborates with Lionello Spada and Francesco Brizio in frescoes for the Palazzo Bonfioli, in Bologna. In 1610, he visits Rome and befriends Domenichino. In 1612, he completes the frescoes left unfinished by Bernardo Poccetti in a chapel of the Certosa di Galluzzo, near Florence, He returns to Bologna in 1614.

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