Lucas Rincón Romero

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 Lucas Rincón Romero (center)
Lucas Rincón Romero (center)

General Lucas Rincón Romero was the highest-ranking Venezuelan military officer [1] at the time of the coup d'etat against Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez in 2002. He announced in a television broadcast that Chávez had resigned, "se le solicitó al señor presidente la renuncia de su cargo, lo cual aceptó."(It was asked of the President that he resign his post, which he accepted). [2]

Chávez was returned to power within three days and there has since been debate as to whether the resignation, not known to exist in writing, was genuine. [3][4][5] [6]

Romero went on to become the Minister of Interior and Justice; he is referred to as such by the Venezuelan news website [7]