Luarica diamond mine

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The Luarica diamond mine is a diamond mine located in Angola. The mine is owned by a consortium of diamond mining companies, the two largest holders being Endiama with 38 percent ownership and Trans Hex with 32 percent ownership.

In 2004, the Luarica mine produced about 95,000 carats (19 kg) of diamond from over 632,000 cubic meters of ore processed. 84,000 carats (16.8 kg) of the production was sold in 2004, at an average price of over $300 USD per carat (1500 $/g), a new high mark for Angolan diamond production.

Probable reserves are 1.3 million cubic meters of ore at an ore grade of 21.6 carats per 100 cubic meters (43.2 mg/m³). There is a waste rock overburden of about 9.5 million cubic meters.

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