Lu Yuegang

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Lu Yuegang(盧躍剛), a 46-year-old Sichuan native in China, is a journalist and a writer of non-fiction. He has been a reporter of China Youth Daily for ten years. He was promoted to be the deputy director and later the principal reporter of the news centre in China Youth Daily. Meanwhile, he also serves as the Chairman of the China Association for the Study of Nonfiction. Over the years, he has won several prizes for his reportages.


[edit] General background

[edit] Style and major theme of his writing

Lu Yuegang's reportages are based on the social problems in China. His colleagues always describe him as a "Lively Tiger" due to his ever-glowing spirit of news tracing and verification, and also his passion of disclosing the TRUTH.

Lu's goal is to witness and record the change and the reality of the Chinese history in an objective and precise way through writing reportages. He always uses Social Sciences theories and skills to maintain a closed observation and discussion on the problems in the Chinese society, including Literature, Sociology, History, Laws and Economics.

The social group with which Lu is concerned the most is the weak and the poor. It is because they are at the lowest social status. They receive the least concerns from the society. Their rights are often neglected and deprived.

Lu's writing style is a kind of realistic literature. His words often reveal the dark side of the society. They resonate with the concerns of suppressed groups and arouse the awareness of the general public.

[edit] Articles, novels and reportages

[edit] Articles

  • "Wolf Among People",<<人群中的狼>>, (Renqun Zhong De Lang)
  • "Chapter One -- Exotic Climes of Meiji",<<第一章 美濟風雲>>, (Di Yi Zhang -- Meiji Fengyun)
  • "Chapter Two -- One Leg Wolf",<<第二章 獨臂狼>>, (Di Er Zhang -- Dubi Lang)
  • "Fable of South China Sea",<<南中國海寓言>>, (Nanzhongguohai Yuyan) ~ published in 1996
Big Country, Small People
Big Country, Small People
On the top floor
Half a century of the Three Gorges

[edit] Novels

  • "Wet Land",<<潮地>>, (Chao Di)
  • "Misty Region",<<霧域>>, (Wu Yu)
  • "The Eastern Carriage -- From Beijing University to the Legend of New East",<<東方馬車 -- 從北大到新東方的傳奇>>, (Dongfang Mache -- Cong Beida Dao Xindongfang De Chuanqi) ~ published in April,2002

[edit] Reportages

  • "In People's Name",<<以人民的名義>>, (Yi Renmin De Mingyi) ~ published in 1993
  • "Biography of Wang Hengjie",<<王恒傑傳奇>>, (Wang Hengjie Chuanqi)
  • "Big Country Small People",<<大國寡民>>, (Daguo Guamin)
  • "Half Century Demonstration of the Three Gorges",<<長江三峽半個世紀的論證>>, (Changjiangsanxia Ban Ge Shiji De Lunzheng)
  • "At the Low Class",<<在底層>>, (Zai Diceng)
  • "At the High Class",<<在高層>>, (Zai Gaoceng)
  • "The Flooding Disaster In the Year of 1991",
    <<辛未水患>>, (Xinwei Shuihuan) ~ published in 1991
  • "At the Place Where Bacchus Wander",<<在那酒神徘徊的地方>>, (Zai Na Jiushen Paihuai De Difang)
  • "Preposterous Genesis",<<創世紀荒誕>>, (Chuangshiji Huangdan)
  • "Review of Guan Guangmei Phenomenon",<<關廣梅現象回顧>>, (Guan Guangmei Xianxiang Huigu)
  • "Myth In the Spring",<<春天裡的神話>>, (Chuntian Li De Shenhua)
  • "8 Records of the Village",<<鄉村八記>>, (Xiangcun Ba Ji)
  • "Transcending Century: Sex Art In China",<<超越世紀:性藝術在中國>>, (Chaoyue Shiji: Xingyishu Zai Zhongguo)

[edit] Books

  • "Book Clustering Chinese Life",<<人生中國叢書>>, (Rensheng Zhongguo Congshu)
  • "Lu Yuegang Self-Anthology.Observe China",<<盧躍剛自選集. 觀察中國>>, (Lu Yuegang Zixuanji.Guancha Zhongguo)

[edit] The latest editorials

  • "Lying Is More Awful Than SARS and an Internal News From a Popular Newspaper",<<撒謊比SARS更可怕及一家大報的"內部消息">>, (Sahuang Bi SARS Geng Kepa Ji Yijia Dabao De Neibu Xiaoxi)
  • "Why Tian Zesuo Is Run", (Tian Zesuo is a kind of non-governmental public institution)
    <<為甚麼要辦天則所?>>, (Weishenme Yaoban Tian Zesuo)
  • "A Meeting That Cannot Bid Farewell To",<<不能告別的聚會>>, (Bu'neng Gaobie De Juhui)
  • "To Grieve for Mr. Li Shenzhi",<<哀李慎之先生>>, (Ai Li Shenzhi Xiansheng)
  • "What to Leave for Ourselves",<<給自己留甚麼>>, (Gei Ziji Liu Shenme)

[edit] Awards

  • "Preposterous Genesis" <<創世紀荒誕>>

was granted the "Chinese Tide" Reportage Award in 1988 ("中國潮" 報告文學頭獎)

  • "Changjiang River: China's Epic" <<長江三峽:中國的史詩>>

was granted the "Chinese Author" Outstnding Reportage Prize in 1990-1992 (優秀報告文學頭獎)
Chinese Reportage Association 1st year Reportage Prize (中國報告文學學會 首屆中國報告文學獎)
"Era Tide" Nationwide Reportage Extraordinary Prize in 1993 (<<時代潮>> 全國紀實文學特等獎)

  • "In People's Name" <<以人民的名義>>

was granted "the Contemporary Era" Outstanding Reportage Award in 1993 (<<當代>>優秀報告文學獎)
"the Contemporary Era" Outstanding Reportage Award in 1988-1966 (<<當代>>優秀報告文學獎)

  • "Big Country Small People" <<大國寡民>> was granted the Top 10 Good Book Award in 1998 (十大好書獎)

[edit] Journalistic technique

Lu is an investigative reporter. He writes watchdog reporting. He regards himself as a "hooligan journalist" as he goes mad when he comes across unfairness. He reports social injustice with serious investigation and thorough verification like in the case of "Wu Fong".

The Wu Fong case

In 1988, a poor female villager, Wu Fong, in Xianxi of China attempted to get divorced with her husband, Maoxing, in order to settle the dispute with him. After that, she ran away owing to her husband's strong disagreement.

On 26th April, 1998, Wu Fong was cheated by some police officers and village heads and came back to the village where she tried hard to escape from. On that day, three women rushed in suddenly, knocked her down and took off her clothes. Her husband and brother-in-law then used sulphuric acid to attack her face, breasts and thighs in front of the villagers.

Although her husband and brother-in-law were arrested and punished afterwards, it could not put out the fire of anger in Wu’s heart. She believed that the major criminals were still hiding in the dark! Therefore, she did not hesitate and went to appeal.

The case remained a mystery until 4th July, 1996, when Wu first met Lu. After serious investigation, Lu claimed, “the Wu Fong's case is not over!” with a piece of powerful evidence. It revealed that some V.I.P. in the city of Hanyuen were playing behind the curtain. Those V.I.P. included Wong Long Yip, the son of the Deputy Mayor of Hanyuen. In August, Lu published an article, "The Strange Affair of the Destroyed Face", in China Youth Daily.

Later, the Deputy Mayor sent a public letter to Lu’s newspaper. He claimed that Lu had violated the Libel Law. Since then, the “battle” between Lu and the privileged was started.

The case had crossed the boundary of a simple court story. "It determines the future of news monitoring in China" said Professor Wong, Wai Kwok (王衛國) - a famous scholar of China University of Politics, "If the China Youth Daily loses, journalists will have to take serious risk whenever they want to reveal the dark side of the society or criticise the privileged afterwards."

Lu tries his best to tell the "truth". He strongly believes that everyone can use their own way to make his or her voice heard.

All of Lu's reports can provide room for the public to reflect and discuss. Lu has lighted up the direction towards the fact that being a journalist is fact-based.

Here are two quotations from Lu regarding the fact and reality:

1) "When reporters face pressure during the process of investigation, only the fact can save their life but not power instead."

2) "Don't be afraid to report any news in China whenever you obtain the fact! However, you will be at risk when you lack reality which is your back-up."

For even more details of the Wu Fong Case, please go to Wu Fong Case Website

[edit] His contribution to journalism

[edit] Freedom of speech and press

In the past, the red tape authority restricted news reporting and set many limitations to journalism in China. The press only served as an instrument for the Chinese leaders. Through decades, Lu has put much effort to improve the freedom of speech and press in China. Lu has also written about the plight of petitioners. He thought that the rise of complaints in Beijing was "because so many problems aren't solved at the local level." "The public are now more aware of their rights," he said, "but few find satisfaction in Beijing... In the end, the complaints will be sent back to the people whom the complaints were made against in the first place." He and some journalists are still trying hard to reveal the hidden and neglected problems and arouse the public awareness. This is a challenge and advancement comparing to the past. Furthermore, the work of Lu encourages more reporters to engage in this evolution. It also shows them that “FACT” is of the ultimate importance!

[edit] Independence of journalism

In China, there is one common political philosophy, i.e. To guarantee the power, both guns and pens have to be controlled properly. This explains why the press has long acted as the tongue of the Government. It cannot even report according to its own opinion. However, with his courage and conscience, Lu steps up and fights against the fate. Thus, Lu writes a letter to Zhao Yong.

A letter to Zhao Yong:

China Youth Daily is one of the China's oldest and most progressive newspaper. On 24th of May, 2004, Zhao Yong, the Secretary of the Standing Committee of the Communist Youth League of China, who is also the direct political authority over the China Youth Daily, announced the new controls he tried to put over this newspaper in a meeting. In respond to this, in July 2004, Lu yuegang wrote an open letter (15000 Chinese words) to challenge Zhao. Through the open letter, Lu criticized Zhao's leadership for intimidating staff and disregarding the paper's tradition of idealism and teamwork. This letter has highlighted how the government manipulates the media in reality and the wrongdoings of the officials.

This letter is a new and brave voice from Chinese journalists. It helps to accelerate the independent progress of Chinese press and the political reforms in China, inwardly by journalists who possess conscience and mission, outwardly by the support and protection of the open-minded communist officials. 'It is challenging to maintain a "high quality of consistency". It needs political sense, especially a high standard of professionalism.', he stated in the letter.

The full translation of Lu Yuegang's Open Letter are in the following websites:

The Lu Yuegang Letter or The Chinese version

[edit] Relationship between literature and journalism

Lu has written many articles, novels, books and reportages. In fact, there is a close relationship between reportage and journalism.

"Reportage", which appeared in Chinese literature in early 1930s, is a combination of news report and literature. It contains the features of both. It talks about people and their "true stories". It can illustrate the characters and feeling of people. It counts on accuracy, objectivity and promptness. Thus, writers usually have practical experience of the affairs so as to tell people the truth.

In short, reportage can be described as the combination of both literature - by writing different stories and journalism - as all stories are about the truth and facts. It is a record of things in a detailed and objective way.

Reference: For more information about reportage, please refer to the External Link 3 below.

[edit] His effect on the world

His vigilance against injustice and privileges has disclosed the dark side of the society and helped to draw attention to the poor so as to bring fairness to them, as in the case of "Wu Fong".

In addition, his open letter to Zhao Yong has drawn worldwide attention to the high-ranked officials putting pressure on the Chinese press. Not only has it promoted the reforms of the control over the press in China, but it has also demonstrated a good example of conscience against the government's stance. Maybe it is a good start for Chinese press to really represent the public opinion instead of just "transmit lies when it is under pressure from the senior and be the rubbish bin for the League central committee" according to Lu.

Lu has also brought a new concept in ruling a country to the world. Lu's writing shows that the world should not have "law" only, because "law" is a neutral thing that set by people. It can vary from different places, time, culture and people's desire. Therefore, Lu stresses that the society should have the "spirit of the law" instead of having "law" only. It means that moral principles should be involved.

[edit] External links

  1. Lu Yuegang's webpage in Chinese (盧躍剛個人主頁)
  2. To See The Transformation of China Journalism From Lu Yuegang's Open Letter (從盧躍剛萬言書看中國新聞轉型)
  3. What is Reportage? (何謂報告文學?)
  4. More translation of Lu Yuegang's open letter
  5. Online readings of Big Country Small People in Simplified Chinese
  6. Radio forum talking about the meaning of Lu's open letter in Putonghua (盧躍剛公開信的意義)
  7. Lu Yuegang writes in People's name (盧躍剛以人民的名義寫作)
  8. Lu Yuegang's speech in Tsing Hua University (盧躍剛清華演講紀錄)