From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
LSP can mean:
- Links Socialistisch Partij, the Belgian section of the CWI
- Language for Specific Purposes, as in LSP dictionary
- Liberale Staatspartij, a former Dutch political party
- Layered Service Provider
- Leading Success People
- Ling-Standard Products, a fictional megacorporation.
- Link State Packet
- Label Switched Path
- Lightest Supersymmetric Particle
- Liskov substitution principle
- Line spectral pairs(or line Spectrum Pairs)- A kind of digital representation of a filter, used in speech and sound compression because of its robustness when highly quantized. Some discussion in Linear predictive coding
- learning support practitioner
- Logistics Service Provider
- Local Strategic Partnership - a Government inspired body intended to get Local Government and other bodies operating in its area working together.
- Lee Shu Pui Hall - the largest student hostel in Chung Chi College, the Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Leipe Straat Panterz, a Dutch band.