Loyola Warriors

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The Loyola Warriors were the Canadian Interuniversity Athletics Union teams that represented Loyola College in Montreal, Quebec.

Loyola merged with Sir George Williams University in 1974 to create Concordia University; the Warriors and the Sir George Williams Georgians were replaced by the Concordia Stingers.

Aftert this event, Loyola became a High School, it has taken the name Warriors for its Juvenile sports teams and the name Braves for the Bantam ones. They are very dominant and are led by their stellar football teams with such bright prospects as: Alexander Kovac, Spencer Brennan, Marc Richardson, James Byrne, Scott Burstall, Casey Cook and especially Mat "Tap-Man" Tappert. The WArriors will enter their 2007-2008 season with 2 strong solid players on the defensive side on the ball. The long awaited players Greg Newman and Kevin Krupa will be adding a new edge to the team. Their contributions to the QBFL league will be mirrored as their seasons look to be great ones in the upcoming school year.