Lower Fraser Valley

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The Lower Fraser Valley (LFV) is a geographic area that includes the southwest portion of of British Columbia (BC), Canada.


[edit] Physical geography

This area is bordered by the Coast Mountains to the north, the international (USA) border to the south, and the Straight of Georgia to the west. The LFV a partof the Georgia Basin (that is, the waters from the LFV flow into the Straight of Georgia).

[edit] Urban areas

The LFV includes the area of Greater Vancouver and is made up of the Greater Vancouver Regional District (GVRD) and Fraser Valley Regional District. The easternmost community is Hope, BC.

[edit] Demographics

It is the most populated are of British Columbia and the third largest metropolitan area of Canada. In 2005, the population of the LFV was about 2.5 million people. By 2020, this number is expected to reach 3 million.

[edit] External links