Louis Querbes

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The Reverend Louis Querbes (1793-1859) was a Roman Catholic priest in France who was the founder of the Clerics of Saint Viator (CSV), a religious order which specializes in teaching.

He founded the CSV in 1831 in Vourles (Rhône), near Lyon in France. He was the parish priest in Vourles.

Ordained as a priest in 1816, he was named vicar of Saint-Nizier before rejoining the parish of Vourles where he remained until his death. In Vourles, between 1826 and 1831, he developed the basis of an association of catechists who would take charge of the Christian education of children and related tasks. The order received papal approval in 1838.

The newspaper La Croix reported in February 27, 2006 that Cardinal Philippe Barbarin, archbishop of Lyon, had begun the process which might lead to the beatification of Querbes.

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