Louis Guillaume Lemonnier

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Louis-Guillaume Le Monnier (sometimes written as Lemonnier) (June 27, 1717September 7, 1799) was a French botanist.

With Antoine Richard he was one of the original organizers of Louis XV's botanic collection at Petit Trianon. an undertaking quickly joined by Bernard de Jussieu. Lemonnier was appointed professor of botany at the Jardin du Roi (later the Jardin des Plantes) in 1759, filling a spot left by the death of Bernard de Jussieu's brother Antoine in April of the previous year. He additionally became a royal physician to Louis XV in 1761. In 1786 he was succeeded as professor of botany by René Louiche Desfontaines.

His publications include:

  • Leçons de physique expérimentale, sur l'équilibre des liqueurs et sur la nature et les propriétés de l'air (1742).
  • Observations d'histoire naturelle faites dans les provinces méridionales de France, pendant l'année 1739 (1744).

He was admitted to the Académie française on July 3, 1743.

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