Louis Figuier
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Louis Figuier (1819-1894) was a French scientist and writer. Louis Figuier is Pierre-Oscar Figuier's nephew, professor of chemistry at the Ecole de pharmacie of Montpellier, he became Doctor of Medicine (1841), agrégé of pharmacology and of chemistry (1844-1853) and Physic sciences Ph. D. (1850). Appointed professor at the Ecole de Pharmacie of Paris, he left Montpellier. He did some researches, through which he was opposed to Claude Bernard; but in front of the conflict that it created, he forsook his researches to devote himself to the scientific popularization. He published in 1859 a yearbook - L'Année scientifique et industrielle (ou Exposé annuel des travaux) - in which he took an inventory of the scientific discoveries of the year. He is the author of numerous works which had a lot of success: Les Grandes inventions anciennes et modernes (1861), Le Savant du foyer (1862), La Terre avant le déluge (1863), La Terre et les mers (1864), Les Merveilles de la science (1867-1891).
[edit] Main Works
- La terre avant le deluge, 1863