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Lostcosmonaut known in other circles as Vostok 7 or Patrick is a 22 year old office manager from a tiny town in Central Washington. His nicknames come from his facination with the Soviet space program of the 60s.

Enamored with history (e.g.: Ghost Towns, World War II), science fiction (e.g.: Star Wars, BattleTech), mysteries (e.g.: Mel's Hole, Lost cosmonauts), space (e.g.: Voyager 1, Vostok programme) and just about anything else, Patrick loves to read and absorb. Currently he is working to find the so-called Mel's Hole in the Manastash area of Ellensburg, Washington, attempting to write a Sci-Fi novel with his uncle, spending way too much time researching and exploring local ghost towns, and he is currently very happily married.