User:Lord Voldemort

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'm on probable break for a little bit. Be back to regular soon. I am more likely to check email, so if you need to contact me, that's probably best. See ya in a few. --I-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named

Feel free to change my user page for the better. If you do, you might get a mention here. Add what you want, but don't remove too much stuff. Thanks. --I-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named

What happens if a Wikipedian dies? He or she just doesn't show up to edit anymore. Does anybody notice? Does anybody really even care? To all those Wikipedians who may have died and been forgotten here, Thank you for your contributions and Rest in Peace.
My Quotes and Random Thoughts:
*Why is it that whenever you give someone a penny for their thoughts, they end up giving you their two cents? Sounds like a scam if I've ever heard one. Either that or a "Get-Rich Slow" program.
*I have a dream that one day, admins will not be judged on their geographical locations, but on the quality of their content. Or something along those lines...
*Why do people always say, " the drop of a hat"? Honestly, who drops hats anymore?
*I wish I had a Wikipedia bot named Lord Voldebot. That would be sweet.
*If I were a store, I would want to be called Lord WaldeMart. Yes, I know I'm strange.
The Jimbo says: "Any given entry might be incomplete or inaccurate at any point in time. Critical analysis is a must!" Take it to heart!
0* *I never officially took the Are You a Wikipediholic Test, but I know I must be obsessed because while driving home the other day, the person ahead of me slowed down, and I actually said "Doooon't WikiBrake!" Yeah, I'm a freak.

I am an Administrator on the English Wikibooks and English Wikipedia.

A much better spoiler template, in my opinion:

I'm gruntled... are you?
I'm gruntled... are you?

List of Wikipedians I am having the Death Eaters keep an eye on:

  • Saturday, March 31 23:29 UTC.
  • 1,714,882

Here are some tasks you can do:

[edit] Very interesting articles

[edit] My area

[edit] Irish WikiBlessing

For all the Irish Catholic Wikipedians: adapted by Lord Voldemort

May the road rise to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face.
And rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May Jimbo hold you in the hollow of His hand.

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