Lorene Mahoney

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Lorene Mahoney is a Registered Nurse and political activist in Manitoba, Canada. In the federal election of 2004, she ran as a New Democratic Party candidate in the north Winnipeg riding of Kildonan—St. Paul.

Born in Winnipeg, Mahoney has a Bachelor of Nursing degree from the University of Manitoba, and has been working in the nursing] profession since 1976. Her experience includes work in public practice, home care, mental health, psycho-geriatics and addictions. She is an administrator for Manitoba's Appeal Panel for Home Care, and is a primary care nurse with the Addictions Foundation of Manitoba.

Mahoney has long been involved in the New Democratic Party, and has held executive positions in the federal riding association of Kildonan—St. Paul and the provincial riding association of Gimli. She is a co-chair of the Multicultural Committee of the Manitoba NDP, and a member of the Colour Committee of the Manitoba NDP.

Mahoney ran a credible campaign in the 2004 election, but was only able to win 8,202 votes (or about 22.5%) for a third-place finish. Her chances for victory may have been hindered by a polarization of the electorate between the Conservatives and Liberals in the campaign's final weeks — as in other Canadian ridings, some potential NDP supporters may have voted Liberal in an effort to prevent the Conservatives from winning.