Lords of Galloway

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The Lords, or Kings of Galloway ruled over Galloway, in south west Scotland, for a large part of the High Middle Ages.

Many regions of Scotland, including Galloway and Moray, periodically had kings or subkings, similar to those in Ireland during the Middle Ages. The Scottish monarch was seen as being similar to a high king (Ard-Righ in Gaelic). The Kings of Galloway would have either paid tribute to the Scottish monarch, or at other times ignored him.

The Kings of Galloway are fairly well recorded in the 12th and 13th centuries, but the records are incomplete or conflicting at other times. Later on, the kings were known as "lords" at the Scottish court, and "kings" at home, finally becoming "Lords" in both arenas.

The boundaries of the Kingdom of Galloway were ill defined, and varied over time. During many periods Galloway was much larger than it is today, and took in parts of southern Ayrshire, such as Carrick, Upper Douglasdale and Nithsdale. The area appears to have been the main bastion of Scottish Gaelic culture south of the Highlands in medieval times.

Suibne mac Cináeda (d.1034) is the first recorded king of the Gall-ghàidhil, the people of Galloway, although it is not until about 1138 that the succession is properly recorded. The line appears to have continued until 1234. King Fergus of Galloway seems to have been of Norse-Galwegian heritage, and may have been descended from earlier princes. He took the throne of Galloway some time between 1110 and 1120. When he died in 1161 Fergus left Galloway to his two sons, Uchtred and Gille Brigte (Gilbert). In 1174 Uchtred died after being brutally blinded and mutilated by his brother Gille Brigte and Gille Brigte's son, Máel Coluim (Malcolm). When Gilla Brigte died a few years later, it was Uchtred's son Lochlann (Roland) who took possession of Galloway. Gilla Brigte's surviving son Donnchad (Duncan) was made 1st Earl/Mormaer of Carrick.

Lochlann married Helen, the daughter of Richard de Moreville, Constable of Scotland, and inherited his father-in-law's title. Their son Alan was the most powerful of the lords, but on his death in 1234 he left only daughters. King Alexander II of Scotland broke the line of Galloway's lords by rejecting the claim of Alan's illegitimate son Thomas. In response Gille Ruadh led a revolt against Alexander. This failed however, and Galloway was divided amongst the French husbands of Alan's three living daughters, Roger de Quincy (married to Ela), John de Balliol (married to Derborgaill) and William de Forz (married to Cairistiona).

The Laws of Galloway remained in force until 1426, and it is thought that these originally derived their authority from the kings of the area.

Some consider the Kennedy family to have taken a similar role.[citation needed]

[edit] List of Lords of Galloway

Rulers French Name Reigns
  • ---
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  • Gilbert
  • Roland
  • ---

[edit] See also

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