Lord Djibril

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Lord Djibril

Lord Djibril in Gundam SEED Destiny
Genetic type: Natural
DOB: C.E. 42 October 1
Age: 31
Nationality: Atlantic Federation [GSD]
Allegiance: Blue Cosmos/Logos [GSD]
Rank: Leader of Blue Cosmos/Logos [GSD]
Height: 6'3
Weight: 88 kg [GSD]
Hair Color: Silver White
Eye Color: Green

Lord Djibril (ロード・ジブリール Rōdo Jiburīru?) is a fictional character and villain from the anime series Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny. He is voiced by Hori Hideyuki in the Japanese version and Alistair Abell in the English dub.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Lord Djibril was the successor to former Blue Cosmos leader, Muruta Azrael. Djibril is first seen in Gundam SEED Destiny during the Junius Seven colony drop; at the time, he was at a meeting with top Logos officials to discuss what would happen after the incident. Djibril decided that Junius Seven hitting the Earth would be a shameful incident for all those living on Earth, that the PLANTs (and by extension, all Coordinators) were at fault, and that they must all be exterminated; the members of Logos all agreed to this decision. When Djibril learned from Neo Roanoke that ZAFT forces were the instigators of the colony drop, he submitted the evidence to the people of Earth and the atlantic federation president, thus starting the Second Bloody Valentine War. The Earth Alliance president told the PLANTs that the Earth Alliance would retaliate with nuclear missiles if they did not agree to its ultimatum; however, when the EA strike force was launched, ZAFT used the Neutron Stampeder to annihilate the EA strike force by detonating their nukes prematurely. Djibril was outraged by this failure.

Later on in Gundam SEED Destiny, after Gilbert Durandal revealed to the world that Djibril and his Logos organization were behind the whole war, he was forced to go into hiding. Djibril arrived at his final redoubt in Iceland, but a joint ZAFT/Earth Alliance strike force was able to overrun it. Djibril was able to successfully flee Heaven's Base, abandoning the other members of Logos in the process. He then fled to Orb, where the Seiran noble family sheltered him; from there, he successfully launched in a shuttle to space in order to rendezvous with Blue Cosmos loyalist forces at the Daedalus lunar base.

Djibril was able to use the Requiem, a new Earth Alliance superweapon, in an attempt to destroy the seat of the PLANT Supreme Council at Aprilus One; however, interference by a ZAFT task force led by Yzak Joule caused Requiem to miss its intended target, instead destroying several other PLANTs. An attack on the Daedalus base by the Minerva led him to flee. In the end, Lord Djibril was executed by Rey Za Burrel in the ZGMF-X666S Legend while trying to escape in the Girty Lue.

[edit] Trivia

  • It should be noted that Hori Hideyuki also voiced George Glenn, "the first Coordinator", in Gundam SEED, which is kind of ironic seeing as how Djibril wanted nothing more than to see all Coordinators wiped out.
  • Djibril is the Arabic name for the archangel Gabriel. Interestingly, Lord Djibril's predecessor was named after Azrael, the Muslim angel of death.
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