Lopango yaba Nka

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„Lopango ya Banka“ (Lopango yaba Nka) in the Lingala language translates to "House of the Ancestors". Lopango ya Banka is a collective of eight young musicians who were born in Kinshasa and today live in Germany and France. The Band was founded in 2002 by the singers-rappers Buza, Mangenge and Kaba.

Image:Lopango yaba Nka.jpg

Their new Song "Telema (pona Congo)" (Stand up - for Congo) currently has heavy airplay in Congo and is filling the dancefloors of Kinshasa.

"Telema (pona Congo)" addresses Congolese youth in Lingala, the most commonly spoken language in D.R. Congo. By rapping and singing in Lingala, Buza, Mangenge and Kaba are expressing their attachment to the ancestors' languages and traditions. They also want to encourage Congolese youth to feel more proud of their native languages, instead of speaking more and more French.

The song also was a political statement during recent elections in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. "From Lumumba, Mulele to Kabila - What we want is peace, change and truth". It was the first democratic elections in the country since attaining independence in 1960. Most Congolese have never known Freedom of Speech. In their chorus, Lopango ya Banka are insisting on: "Justice and peace -- for Congo Reason and courage -- for Congo Children of Congo -- Stand up".

Lopango ya Banka states they wanted to provide Congolese youth with a new national anthem in their own language. Different from many anglo- or francophone African rappers who imitate Gangsta rap slang and manierisms, Lopango ya Banka rather belongs to the league of authentic, locally rooted HipHop activists.

Lopango ya Banka beautifully combine melodic rapping with elaborate Congolese guitar harmonies, funky bass-lines and dancefloor hiphop-beats. "Telema mpo na Kongo" is Lopango ya Banka's debut release, but Buza and Mangenge are active Rappers for more than ten years. Mangenge has often shared the stage with famous friends, such as Patrice Bart-Williams, BANTU or Xavier Naidoo. Lopango ya Banka are now working on a mini-album which shall be released in January 2007.

Listen to "Telema (pona Congo)" and watch the video on: www.lopango-yabanka.com

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