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Longtunnel is a planet in the Humanx Commonwealth series, written by Alan Dean Foster.

It is characterized by an extremely inhospitable climate and an extensive network of caves, due to the soft crust and significant amount of rain. Longtunnel is inhabited by one sapient race, who call themselves Sumacrea.

The novel Flinx in Flux introduced this planet to the Humanx Commonwealth universe.

The Humanx Commonwealth
AAnn | Human | Hur'rikku | Minidragon | Pitar | Tar-Aiym | Thranx | Ulru-Ujurrians | Xunca
Alaspin | Annubis | Blasusarr | Cachalot | Hivehom | Horseye | Longtunnel | Midworld | Moth | New Riveria | Pitar | Prism | Pyrassis | Terra | Tran-Ky-Ky | Treetrunk | Ulru-Ujurr | Willow-Wane
Flinx | Bran Tse-Mallory | Truzenzuzex | Mahnahmi Lynx | Pip | Clarity Held | Skua September | Abalamahalamatandra
bloodhype | Meliorare Society | Order of Null | Qwarm