London Shostakovich Orchestra

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The London Shostakovich Orchestra is an orchestra based in St. Cyprian's Church on Glenworth St. in London, England. It was founded in November 1999, and its principal (and so far, only) conductor is Christopher Cox, being lead by Jonathan Lee. They first performed in May 2000, and ever since then, have performed around a dozen concerts.

It was named in honor of Russian Neoclassical composer Dmitri Shostakovich, whom the orchestra puts heavy emphasis on the compositions of. Their ultimate intention at the moment is to perform all 15 of Shostakovich's symphonies; they have so far covered symphonies Number 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, and 12. And so far, only three musical pieces they have performed were not composed by Shostakovich.

At the moment, it is an amateur orchestra, meaning the members and conductor don't get paid for their work. Instead, the orchestra is funded by contributions from orchestra members and money received from ticket sales.

[edit] Principal Conductors

  • Christopher Cox (1999-Present)

[edit] External Links